• @Mihies
        36 hours ago

        Looks like murders of innocent civilians were done by semites… As it’s most often the case.

        • @[email protected]
          -46 hours ago

          A collateral civilian death during a military action has never been considered “murder.” It can’t be, since it’s unintentional.

          • @[email protected]
            14 minutes ago

            Just completely ignore the concept of proportional response and the Principle of Proportionality.

            If you’re going to pretend to be an expert on international law…

          • @[email protected]
            06 hours ago

            There has been quite a lot of collateral civilian casualties, how many more people must die and how many more people must suffer under poverty in the name of the great American empire?

            • @[email protected]
              -65 hours ago

              There has been quite a lot of collateral civilian casualties, how many more people must die

              None, if Israel’s enemies surrender and end the war. That’s how war works.

              • @[email protected]
                15 hours ago

                Do you genuinely think thats how the world work? Not Israel nor the Israeli people will ever know peace as long as Israel exists as an extension of the American Empire. If all of Israels enemies surrender then the American Empire will simply create new enemies for them to fight in their perpetual endless war.

                • @[email protected]
                  -15 hours ago

                  Not Israel nor the Israeli people will ever know peace as long as Israel exists as an extension of the American Empire.

                  We’ll know peace because everyone like you, everyone who won’t accept a Jewish state in the Middle East, will fight until you die. And you’ll lose.

                  Peace comes at the end of war.

                  • @[email protected]
                    05 hours ago

                    Have you forgotten that Iran was once an Israeli ally, or that Israel once held Lebanon as a puppet? Throughout history Israel has backstabbed allies and continuously made its own enemies. Hamas was made in large part due to Israel interference in Gazas politics as was the PLO. Peace was never the goal of Israel, it was always conflict. Whenever the knesset members protest the war theyre called traitors and even beaten up. How many people must die for your dream of a so called Jewish state and for whom would the state truly be for. We can tell by the rise of Kahanism to that the Jewish state is clearly not for all Jews.