• @[email protected]
    -581 year ago

    Southern Florida, Christian church. The only time I’ve encountered anyone like what your describing has been at pride parades, ironically.

    I believe you’re greatly over-exaggerating their existence because you hate all religious people and are trying to convince yourself you’re not a bigot when you obviously are.

    The majority of people on Earth are religious. You’ll find “replacing” their beliefs to be impossible. Perhaps you should consider being more tolerant instead of living in a hateful fantasy world.

    • @[email protected]
      331 year ago

      Get a construction job and tell them youre gay -_-

      I did that when i was stupid, then i accidentally did it at another job. Working at a new job and nobody knows. Miraculously they arent following me around and writing me up for the smallest mistake. Everyone likes me because theyll go on their trump rant and i just say “uh huh”

      Im not allowed to say what i think though. That would make me a bad worker.

    • Taffer
      221 year ago

      I spent years in southern Florida and can confidently say that this person has either been beyond sheltered for their entire life until this exact comment section, or they’re lying to make a bad faith argument. Most people I met there have the kind of political views you’d expect from someone that likes DeSantis, and will make sure you’re very aware of that.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        You must have never met any gay people here before then because I can’t think of anyone I know who supports DeSantis.

        I don’t know why anyone would assume that living here automatically means you do. That’s not true for any state. My area is also incredibly diverse, I’m sorry but your experience sounds fictitious to me.

        • @[email protected]
          241 year ago

          I can’t think of anyone I know who supports DeSantis.

          How did he get elected then? I’m happy for you that you live in a bubble of diversity, tolerance, and equality, but maybe you should give some thought to those in your state who don’t.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Really incredible to claim their experience fictitious immediately after saying you live in a diverse area

    • @[email protected]
      201 year ago

      Lol Florida huh? Your governor is the perfect, textbook example of a theocratical fascist but you probably adore that Adolf and his open gay hate and nazi book burnings.

      The majority of the real world doesn’t want your fairy tales forced upon us.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Uhh what? You completely misunderstood me. I was referring to people that show up to protest pride with hateful signs and megaphones. I’m being genuine here.

    • AerM
      111 year ago

      I’m not removing comments replying to you just as I am not removing your comment.

      Provided it maintains a level of respect and decorum when conversing I have no qualms with anybody discussing and debating. Keep it civil, no personal attacks, no offensive language etc…

      That’s how shit works around here.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        That’s fair. At the time I was taking some of it personal but I shouldn’t. People are entitled to their opinions and I respect that.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      People are allowed to disagree with you and your beliefs without them being a bigot.

      Also, your Bible hates you, who is the one living in a fantasy world?

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          You should educate yourself, my friend. Following the teachings of Jesus Christ is fine but being a denominational Christian is another thing all together. You are part of a cult where all you are is a means to an end.

          Night of the Long Knives, my friend.