• BarqsHasBite
    1861 year ago

    They won’t be happy until we are all gay.

    Christians want everyone to be Christian, they want Christian schools, they want a Christian nation, so they project that gay people want all the same things. That gay people want everyone to be gay, have gay schools, a gay country, etc. It’s all projection.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      i think your kinda lumping alot of people in to a group. people are people, it doesnt matter what religion, race or ethnicity. People will abuse power be hateful and do stupid things. saying one group of people want one thing and one thing only is bias and projection and stereotyping upon your part

      • @[email protected]
        -571 year ago

        May as well give up on these people, they aren’t capable of nuance.

        The funniest part to me though is they’re saying all these wild things about how Christians feel about gay people yet I rarely experience it myself. But daaaaamn the moment I mention I’m also a Christian they full-on seethe.

        It’s bigotry and they’ve fully embraced it.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I am Christian (I’m not out to go modify non-Christians though and have a lot of misgivings about the way other Christians have been approaching the topic) and have been in the church basically my whole life and can echo what u/BarqsHasBite stated. The big fear from their end is LGBTQIA+ folks “converting” the children to change the nation. Spend enough time looking at liberal-based news (I imagine you don’t want to, that’s fine but it needs to be said) and you’ll see lots of examples of Christian vitriol against LGBTQIA+ in a very un-Christ-like manner. If you’re not seeing it around you, you’re lucky.

          “It’s bigotry and they’ve fully embraced it.”

          As a Christian talking to a Christian, I’m astounded you don’t understand the nature of the culture war going on. One side views homosexuality as a horror that needs to be snuffed out, and the other side views it as a major component of their person that is inseparable. One side wants homosexuality to die and the other side views that as a threat against their person. One side is using the Republican party to attack availability of transgender services that a good chunk of the other side relies on to live because they have followed their gender dysphoria through to personal body modification.

          You and a lot of other Christians in this country need to stop with the persecution claims and crawl out from under your rock and have some open dialogue with your fellow Americans or citizens of whatever country you’re in and stop cowering behind your pride and ego. It’s fair to be viewed with mistrust when others of your faith are attacking what they are standing for. We are being intolerant of their choices and then crying intolerance and that is plain idiotic.

          • such_lettuce7970
            11 year ago

            The person you’re responding to, Eleazor, just commented to me a week later: “I’m sorry but yes, you should consider bottom surgery mutilation. There’s a difference between the other things but I’m sure you’re missing it.”

        • @[email protected]
          251 year ago

          Girl, the only thing I don’t tolerate is intolerance. Look that shit up in between you bible verses about slavery and killing fig trees and shit.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          Damn crazy how your anecdotal experience doesn’t change what the majority of christians stand for

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            That isn’t nuance, it’s unhinged rambling about stuff I never said, at all. I especially didn’t “cast stones on the queers”. I’m gay, I wouldn’t do that. I cherish gay rights and gay marriage deeply.

            I also don’t think sexual or gender identity, or religion, is a baseline for someone doing something that horrible.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      No, this is all you projecting your persecution fetish onto people you most likely never interact with. Pretty bigoted take honestly.

      The very opposite is in fact true. I’m gay and go to a Christian church, they speak of love and acceptance for all. If there are actually any who fit your explanation they’re an incredibly small minority that actual Christians disagree with.

      • Hextic
        471 year ago

        You must be going to one of those Heresy churches like Unitarian or something.

        Cuz lemme tell you I’m from “da souf” and love and acceptable are curse words in the typical southern church. All fire all brimstone and the gays gonna get ya as well as the blue hair demon rats.

        You had your more lib churches there and goddamn you might as well went to the Satanic Temple cuz theyd probably treat you better (misguided vs absolute heretic).

        Tbh everything good about religion can be replaced with the simple golden rule and idk spirits n shit.

        • @[email protected]
          -581 year ago

          Southern Florida, Christian church. The only time I’ve encountered anyone like what your describing has been at pride parades, ironically.

          I believe you’re greatly over-exaggerating their existence because you hate all religious people and are trying to convince yourself you’re not a bigot when you obviously are.

          The majority of people on Earth are religious. You’ll find “replacing” their beliefs to be impossible. Perhaps you should consider being more tolerant instead of living in a hateful fantasy world.

          • @[email protected]
            331 year ago

            Get a construction job and tell them youre gay -_-

            I did that when i was stupid, then i accidentally did it at another job. Working at a new job and nobody knows. Miraculously they arent following me around and writing me up for the smallest mistake. Everyone likes me because theyll go on their trump rant and i just say “uh huh”

            Im not allowed to say what i think though. That would make me a bad worker.

          • Taffer
            221 year ago

            I spent years in southern Florida and can confidently say that this person has either been beyond sheltered for their entire life until this exact comment section, or they’re lying to make a bad faith argument. Most people I met there have the kind of political views you’d expect from someone that likes DeSantis, and will make sure you’re very aware of that.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              You must have never met any gay people here before then because I can’t think of anyone I know who supports DeSantis.

              I don’t know why anyone would assume that living here automatically means you do. That’s not true for any state. My area is also incredibly diverse, I’m sorry but your experience sounds fictitious to me.

              • @[email protected]
                241 year ago

                I can’t think of anyone I know who supports DeSantis.

                How did he get elected then? I’m happy for you that you live in a bubble of diversity, tolerance, and equality, but maybe you should give some thought to those in your state who don’t.

              • @[email protected]
                31 year ago

                Really incredible to claim their experience fictitious immediately after saying you live in a diverse area

          • @[email protected]
            201 year ago

            Lol Florida huh? Your governor is the perfect, textbook example of a theocratical fascist but you probably adore that Adolf and his open gay hate and nazi book burnings.

            The majority of the real world doesn’t want your fairy tales forced upon us.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Uhh what? You completely misunderstood me. I was referring to people that show up to protest pride with hateful signs and megaphones. I’m being genuine here.

          • AerM
            111 year ago

            I’m not removing comments replying to you just as I am not removing your comment.

            Provided it maintains a level of respect and decorum when conversing I have no qualms with anybody discussing and debating. Keep it civil, no personal attacks, no offensive language etc…

            That’s how shit works around here.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              That’s fair. At the time I was taking some of it personal but I shouldn’t. People are entitled to their opinions and I respect that.

          • @[email protected]
            111 year ago

            People are allowed to disagree with you and your beliefs without them being a bigot.

            Also, your Bible hates you, who is the one living in a fantasy world?

              • @[email protected]
                71 year ago

                You should educate yourself, my friend. Following the teachings of Jesus Christ is fine but being a denominational Christian is another thing all together. You are part of a cult where all you are is a means to an end.

                Night of the Long Knives, my friend.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Bro, I don’t know how you missed this, but your church is the minority among Christians. I come from a large Christian family so I’m not saying that as someone who hates Christians, I’m saying that as someone with two eyes and common sense. And I’m also someone who is not straight so I’m also speaking from experience myself. Christians who ignore these issues within their community are only enabling them. I get that you feel defensive about your religion because it’s a part of who you are so an attack on it feels like an attack on you, but if you really care about it then you should be motivated to work on improving it so it can live up to your love for it, instead of getting mad at people for being rightfully unhappy about a group that has a long, long history of abusing lgbt people, and which hasn’t exactly done a lot in recent years to improve their reputation.

      • TurtleJoe
        311 year ago

        It’s great that you have found a church that works for you. However, it is Christian evangelicals that are driving the US headlong into authoritarian right wing politics age the demonization of LGBTQ+ groups and individuals.

        You also don’t get to say, “those people are not real Christians because they believe differently to me.” They are real Christians.

        I encourage you not to internalize something that doesn’t apply to you. Instead maybe look to the behavior of your fellow believers as to why your religion gets criticized, and even call them out for their shitty beliefs and actions.

      • @[email protected]
        261 year ago

        I’m glad your Christian church is open and affirming. So is mine. If there’s LGBTQ+ people out there who would like to try going to an open and affirming church, I can recommend UCC.org

        But we can’t and mustn’t deny that a lot of Christian churches have been and absolutely still are hateful towards people who are LGBTQ+ and force them to try to hide or deny their identity. The mealy-mouthed “Love the sinner, hate the sin” means they’re just trying to deny their own sin by pretending they aren’t breaking “and love thy neighbor as thyself.” To just say such people and churches are not “actual Christians” is denial at its laziest and enables them to continue unchecked.

        And don’t get me started on whole denominations that refuse to allow women to fill positions of power such as pastor or priest. They’re not going to be ordaining any trans people either.

        • @[email protected]
          -311 year ago

          Nice quote I’ve heard literally nobody say before this post. What’s your point? I’m speaking from experience when I say these views are wildly unpopular among Christians.

          • @[email protected]
            271 year ago

            ‘Homophobic Christians arent a thing’ isn’t the hot take I thought I’d see on lemmy, but there it is.

            • such_lettuce7970
              21 year ago

              The person you’re responding to, Eleazor, just commented to me a week later: “I’m sorry but yes, you should consider bottom surgery mutilation. There’s a difference between the other things but I’m sure you’re missing it.”

              • @[email protected]
                161 year ago

                Then how come they’re all you see on the national stage? Why are all of the “deeply religious Christian” charlatans backed by the Republican Party and their base?

                It isn’t unpopular. I wish it was. It’s a twofold task though to make them unpopular. Christians need to decry the homophobic and bigoted “Christians” to create internal pressure while others create external pressure.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                As someone who lives in a southern town surrounded by “Christians” that would definitely be going to hell if they believed even the smallest fraction of what they pretend, your stance is ridiculous.

          • @[email protected]
            131 year ago

            Homophobic Christians are so common it’s crazy. I don’t know what sort of luck you have lol, or whether you just live life with your head in the sand.

            • such_lettuce7970
              11 year ago

              Transphobic ones are even more common. The person you’re responding to, Eleazor, just commented to me a week later: “I’m sorry but yes, you should consider bottom surgery mutilation. There’s a difference between the other things but I’m sure you’re missing it.”

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        Leviticus 18:22 ~ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination

        I’m glad you found a church that doesn’t teach the Bible.

        • @LeFantome
          121 year ago

          I am pretty sure they do different stuff with the males than they would with a woman.

          • Flying SquidOPM
            21 year ago

            Who cares who it was “truly” written and who cares if the word “homosexuality” isn’t literally in the Bible? The King James Bible, which was written in 1622, is the most commonly-used English language Bible and it’s unapologetically anti-gay (ironic, since James himself was gay).

            And I call bullshit on the Leviticus part. Firstly because putting the young boy to death as well makes no sense and secondly because I would find it hard to believe that ancient Jews who had over 600 laws about what you shouldn’t be doing were just fine with the gay stuff.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              The King James Bible, which was written in 1622, is the most commonly-used English language Bible and it’s unapologetically anti-gay (ironic, since James himself was gay)

              It was also a translation of the original Hebrew, which we’re learning in recent years was full of errors.

              putting the young boy to death as well makes no sense

              Where…does it imply that in the text?

              I would find it hard to believe that ancient Jews who had over 600 laws about what you shouldn’t be doing were just fine with the gay stuff.

              It’s absolutely possible, even if not necessarily true. Multiple historical accounts imply much of the anti-gay stuff was falsified or only in specific communities.

              • Flying SquidOPM
                11 year ago

                Where…does it imply that in the text?

                Leviticus 20:13 - If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

                So, again, if it’s a man raping a child, why kill the child?

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          Do you think a movie with powerful enough propaganda could make you gay?


          Well then what gives you the ego to say that everyone else is so weak that they could be tricked, yet you are the strong one?

          Seriously. That’s the question. The fall of people. The powerful main character syndrome they have.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I think this is a dangerous rabbit hole to go down. The vast majority of religions cherry-pick from their religious texts. Arguing that Christians fundamentally can’t be tolerant of gay people because of Leviticus is basically conceding them to hatred. It’s also an argument frequently used by the right to spark hatred Western minority religions like Islam because the Qu’ran says a lot of messed up stuff like the Bible does.

          There are Christian denominations that openly accept gay people and I don’t think it’s wise to claim they aren’t “real” Christians because of a few passages from a text written by dozens if not hundreds of people that already contradicts itself repeatedly.

          • @[email protected]
            -11 year ago

            I’m sorry but I simply disagree. Hypocrisy needs to be called out and the absurdity of religion needs to be called out.

            The fact that this guy’s church is nice to gays does not make up for the hate and death religion has brought to the gay community.

            I’m pointing out the ridiculousness of a church that’s pro gay, while I also point out the evil of churches that are anti gay.

            I don’t have to pick the lesser of two evils becuase they are both evil, lying and manipulative.

      • 🐱TheCat
        1 year ago

        Glad your accepting christian church took my rights to safe medical procedures in the event of an unviable pregnancy. Bunch of christians I have never interacted with felt fine doing that to me. So I feel fine hating them

        but go on claim you think abortion is murder while advocating against sex education, the thing proven to reduce abortions - and for abortion-bans, which don’t reduce abortions at all, and increase deaths in child-birth. Maybe I’m starting to think that you’re the murderer.

      • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
        91 year ago

        Most likely never interact with?

        You mean the same people writing laws against abortions or against trans people? They’re coming for gay people next, I guarantee you that much.

  • gon
    1441 year ago

    “They won’t be happy until we are all gay.” I thought Barbie and Ken were the quintessential straight couple? I haven’t watched the film but that is so odd.

  • miles
    1 year ago

    That fourth quote is legit quality.

      • @[email protected]
        271 year ago

        No im very bisexual and would describe everyone in that film as confusingly attractive, I get its the point, but they all look very fake and plastic to the point its just on the edge of the uncanny valley.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        I haven’t seen the film or read this review, so I find it very possible that it was lifted out of context or maybe from someone who isn’t a native speaker. Because the context I immediately assumed is that their attractiveness is confusing because mattel is virtue signaling about body acceptance and diversity in the entire film, and yet all the characters are of course conventionally attractive, and makeuped to shit. This though is based on an assumption of what the film is about to be fair.

        • @[email protected]
          81 year ago

          It’s not really about that. It is really more of a pink acid trip, or a comedy version of the matrix. Just go see it and stop guessing.

          • @[email protected]
            -31 year ago

            That sounds fun. I am pretty against films made to sell toys, so I might have to skip it. Sorry.

    • BrainisfineIthink
      181 year ago

      I would not have thought that was a one star review based on the text. It kinda sounds like glowing praise.

  • @[email protected]
    891 year ago

    “… confusingly attractive people…”

    Sounds like someone’s coming out of the closet in the near future.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I read that in the sense that they’re too conventional looking for what is a pink acid trip around a mass produced toy doll with an impossibly shaped body.

      In fact of all 4 that’s the only critique which is actually about the movie (notice how all the others are raging against some general fantasy they have in their minds, which they associated with the movie) and it even uses language that’s not typical of the far-right crowd (how many far right nutters have you ever seen casually mentioning experiences from taking some kind of drug even in a methaphorical sense?!)

      I suspect that it might actually be a legic critique, on top of which some people are projecting their own internal prejudices (because it was mixed with and presented as something from a far-right raging nutter) without actually doing your own personal analysis of it (aka thinking for yourself)

      It’s a bit hypocrite (or lacking self-awareness) to criticise others for their unthinking prejudiced take on something whilst having an unthinking prejudiced take on something.

      I mean, a liitle thinking about it by yourself easilly leads to the same conclusion as the OP on the other 3 (clearly the product of brainless rightwinger fanatics) it’s only this one that in style and content seems off from that, unless you’re forcing certain possible but not logical interpretations of the meaning of its contents to force it to fit a prejudgement, which, IMHO, is dangerously parallel to very same mental processes that lead the far-right nutters to think this movie is about “spreading gayness”.

      No saying that I agree or disagree: all I’m saying is that this 4th comment in style and substance does not seem to be in the same bucket as the other 3.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Who the hell wants children to grow up to be vile beings and why would you give them ideas? What a terrible concept.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        No respect for anyone but themselves was the telling part, though. Let’s help others, homeless, less fortunate, immigrants, poor. Let’s help others with healthcare, education, housing, food. “No! I’m not paying taxes so someone else can get something for FREE!”.

        Ok, now I know who they are talking about.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Finally. There you are. I’ve faced so many left-wing schmucks, I was wondering where the right-wing ones had gone.

          But you’re still a schmuck. Leftists don’t want children to grow up to be vile.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I read this imagining that danzam is Glenn Danzig’s secret account where he posts dumdum takes the punk community would berate him for.

  • @[email protected]
    371 year ago

    sheit, i’m not convinced this is isn’t an official effort driven by the studio to promote the movie by some viral means

    this is some genius fuckin advertising if it is, and it’s hilarious free advertising if it isn’t

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      That’s exactly what this is.

      1. Make some piece of mass media.
      2. Use it to drive outrage and division.
      3. Make mass media headlines about outrage and division.
      4. Profit.

      Consume, consumer!

    • @[email protected]
      -11 year ago

      If the men writing that crap didn’t want tge world to know they were dumb fucks, I’d call this a Streisand effect

  • 🐱TheCat
    311 year ago

    Well shit, worked on me. Now I want to see this murderous feminist pink acid trip

  • Margot Robbie
    301 year ago


        • Margot Robbie
          131 year ago

          And that’s esteemed Academy Award and Golden Globe nominated marketing genius/master digital artist/fast food burger connoisseur/character actress Margot Robbie to you!

  • Fazoo
    281 year ago

    That last one just sounds like a compliment. An acid trip and I get to hang out with absurdly attractive people? Sounds fun.

    • Scew
      31 year ago

      Was planning on making it one anyways >.>

      • newIdentity
        21 year ago

        That sounds like a horrible idea. You really want to go into a crowded cinema on acid?

    • LemmyLefty
      111 year ago

      It’s easier to guess if you imagine what an inebriated badger with heavy mange is capable of growling in its slurred but wild speech.

  • Jannis
    221 year ago

    Now I kinda want to see this movie. Stupid feminist agenda

  • Beefalo
    201 year ago

    bro I had some long-ass comment, but I looked up and remembered this is shitpost town I gotta get out more