• onlinepersona
    3 hours ago

    Nix needs a typed language, better CLI interface, better documentation, a distributed cache, to to get rid of the monorepo / single source of control, to support different builders (aka not just bash), and have a less toxic community.

    For nix to be used by normal, non technical users, it must have a GUI. That is not optional.

    Nix could be great for a lot of things, but it’s not the only solution and won’t be the last.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

    • fl42v@lemmy.ml
      1 hour ago

      Nix is typed: there are strings, paths, lists, attrsets, etc;

      Not sure what’s wrong with CLI, as I don’t really use it except nix flake update (although I remember updating stuff installed via nix profile being a bit cumbersome, but it’s not exactly a good practice to use it this way);

      Good point with cache, although stuff outside of nixpkgs sometimes provides their own caches which are trivial to enable;

      Nobody forces you to use github:nixos/nixpkgs, it’s just a regular input. Ppl quite often have their own forks. It’s also trivial to use stuff from outside nixpkgs (also just another input);

      There are different builders (e.g. buildGoModule);

      Idk where you’ve found toxic community, my interactions have been pretty nice so far (mostly matrix rooms);

      GUI is optional, just like for all the other package managers. And it exists: https://github.com/snowfallorg/nix-software-center

      Perfectly agreed with nix not (yet 🙃) being the best thing that exists, tho, albeit due to different reasons. For example, it’s a PITA to debug, and the error messages are sometimes unhelpful.