The dollar can be used once a day. It has to be a dollar’s worth of a product, service or use of a product. For example, A dollar’s worth of a $100 TV would be the life of the TV divided by 100. You would get to enjoy the TV for that amount of time. The product or service is instant and doesn’t require any preparation. It just appears and disappears. Or you could have a TV permanently that is worth one dollar.

  • fool
    3 months ago

    If you use the dollar to match the S&P500 beginning in 1928, you’d earn about 1(1.1)^96 = 9 thousand dollars. (w/ dividends)

    9k a day times 365 days a year is 3.2 million a year. Or you can invest THOSE EARNINGS into ETFs at the present day again – by 5 years you’ll have made 16 mil principal + 5.4 mil interest. At that rate, it’ll take 35 years to be a billionaire.

    Oooooor you can just continually dunk the magic daily dollar in Bitcoins instead