Social media app Telegram is profitable for the first time after paying down “a meaningful share” of some $2 billion in debt, Chief Executive Officer Pavel Durov said in a post on X Monday.
Yeah, Matrix is possible I guess but I’ve seen ZERO news on that. You might be confusing it with Simplex, which was blocked for a very short time but silently went back to being fully operational. Not heard any plans for Whatsapp either.
By the way, I am also 100% convinced Telegram is actively cooperating with them. Not sure if the “blocking” was theater from the beginning or just incompetence, but the result is the same. I think there were many cases when Telegram took down undesired channels at least, and I believe it was confirmed it helped with “investigations”.
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Yeah, Matrix is possible I guess but I’ve seen ZERO news on that. You might be confusing it with Simplex, which was blocked for a very short time but silently went back to being fully operational. Not heard any plans for Whatsapp either.
By the way, I am also 100% convinced Telegram is actively cooperating with them. Not sure if the “blocking” was theater from the beginning or just incompetence, but the result is the same. I think there were many cases when Telegram took down undesired channels at least, and I believe it was confirmed it helped with “investigations”.