Is it a tankie thing? A non-US perspective that I’m not used to? Some weird strain of Leftist ideology?
my impression is that this is mostly prevalent in the US, but it’s nowadays also the majority position of the loud “left” in Germany. in Germany we would criticize this as secondary antisemitism from a communist perspective. that is a specific german / european issue and the theorem says that the societies that took part in the Shoa as perpetrator are projecting their guilt on the state of Israel and its society. but nonetheless, i think in Germany most parts of the (broad) political left is rather quiet because what’s happened on October 7th and afterwards is a cruel tragedy that can’t be explained nor solved in the simplicity that is prevalent among the anti-Zionists.
Is it kids that have picked up a bunch of talking points from somewhere?
i think so, b/c otherwise the convincement of so obviously stupid, double standard ressentiments isn’t explainable. one could probably argue that this is kind of a rudimentary religion with full-fledged groupthink.
my impression is that this is mostly prevalent in the US, but it’s nowadays also the majority position of the loud “left” in Germany. in Germany we would criticize this as secondary antisemitism from a communist perspective. that is a specific german / european issue and the theorem says that the societies that took part in the Shoa as perpetrator are projecting their guilt on the state of Israel and its society. but nonetheless, i think in Germany most parts of the (broad) political left is rather quiet because what’s happened on October 7th and afterwards is a cruel tragedy that can’t be explained nor solved in the simplicity that is prevalent among the anti-Zionists.
i think so, b/c otherwise the convincement of so obviously stupid, double standard ressentiments isn’t explainable. one could probably argue that this is kind of a rudimentary religion with full-fledged groupthink.