Good folks, my searchfu has failed me, ive tried different distros and no change, but want to keep debian for the htpc.

After the install, my graphics driver was not installed and i believe the wifi, not sure how to check how many didn’t work. any assistance with getting this working would be appreciated.

Beelink Mini S12 Pro Mini PC, 16GB DDR4 RAM 500GB M.2 SSD
12th Intel Alder Lake-N100

use case is of course mini htpc for plex, docker, emulation etc.

usb installed debian 12 KDE

no sound except line out

Thanks for any advice in advance

  • addison
    1 month ago

    I have the exact same little box for my HTPC in my living room.

    It’s possible something went wrong during your install or configuration. I’m running a different distro, but I had to do very little tweaking or configuring of drivers, since the hardware is pretty standard.

    Do you have any display output at all? Dropping into a tty or accessing your machine over ssh after boot at least gives you a starting point to debug.

    Some tools that you can use to gather more info:

    • inxi: prints out helpful summaries of system info for debugging. inxi --graphics should give you some info to work with. My output tells me that I’m using the i915 kernel driver for display output.
    • modinfo: prints out kernel module info. The output is lengthy, so piping to a pager is helpful: modinfo i915 | less
    • system logs: see if there are any useful error messages in your systemd journal with journalctl --this-boot --priority=3, or search for messages related to the i915 kernel module with journalctl --this-boot --grep i915