• ulterno
    1 month ago

    Life is a joke, and you might as well laugh (as a joke).

    No need to make babies with a soul mate if you don’t want (as a joke), and no need to define happiness (as a joke ofc) by your ability to accomplish it. The destination is empty without the journey (as a joke). You won’t get happiness from arriving anywhere, so you must get it from traveling (as a joke). Everything any living being will ever accomplish (as a joke) will be undone with time (as a joke ofc). The future will end (again, as a joke), so the present is where you must live (as a joke). Live a life you enjoy (as a joke ofc).

    As far as “life” or evolution goes (as a joke), it can go fuck itself (as a joke). Evolution is a system of blood sacrifice (as a joke) that we really shouldn’t see as a guide to anything. It doesn’t need you to care about what it programmed you to do (as a joke), only what it allowed you to care about (as a joke ofc). It doesn’t need a driver (for the joke), so drive your own life (as a joke) and the lives of those around you (into your joke). Do what feels right and good (as a joke ofc); that’s all it needs and all you need (as a joke).
