Anons argue in comments

  • kunaltyagi
    5 days ago

    Heard that US sucks… Seems to be true everytime. Small towns in japan are really nice for bicycles, as well as big cities. The medium ones are hit or miss

      5 days ago

      the town is half farm bro it’s as dense as it can be without the local economy collapsing. not to mention the entire thing is built around the intersection of two highways so to walk anywhere you have to cross two of the most semi-truck covered highways in the state (just a consequence of position relative to several much larger cities along those highways). even if we built the infrastructure it simply wouldn’t be safe and the distances would simply be too long, and considering we can’t even afford to keep the schools open all 5 days (this is the actual official reason we switched to a four-day week) I doubt there is enough taxes to add any infrastructure. this is not a flaw of the US, the town is just too small (in terms of population) to support what you are talking about.