While tens of thousands of people have joined Facebook groups in Sweden and Denmark calling for no longer buying American, Norwegian company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced that it will stop supplying US military vessels with fuel.
Fuck yea, keep doing this! People around me in the USA are fucking morons and can’t be bothered to do this. Even the liberals that complain about their corporate masters are too chicken shit to do it.
I’ve been avoiding corps for years. My impact on the current boycott will be the same as it’s been all along. Talk it up, those of us have adapted can help others to get on board.
I have been trying so damn hard to talk it up. Doesn’t help that I live in MAGA-town USA at the moment.
I even handhold my closest friends (self-proclaimed liberals) on how to stop feeding the beast, and they think I’m over-reacting. Most folks in the USA are just… not willing to back up the things that come out of their mouth.
Can we start a community in a National Forest somewhere? Since doge fired most of the national park rangers, we shouldn’t have too much trouble and can guarantee that at least that particular area stays clear of garbage and deforesting.
Fuck yea, keep doing this! People around me in the USA are fucking morons and can’t be bothered to do this. Even the liberals that complain about their corporate masters are too chicken shit to do it.
I’ve been waiting 10 years for this to catch on.
I’ve been avoiding corps for years. My impact on the current boycott will be the same as it’s been all along. Talk it up, those of us have adapted can help others to get on board.
I have been trying so damn hard to talk it up. Doesn’t help that I live in MAGA-town USA at the moment.
I even handhold my closest friends (self-proclaimed liberals) on how to stop feeding the beast, and they think I’m over-reacting. Most folks in the USA are just… not willing to back up the things that come out of their mouth.
It’s a small thing, and at least please know that you have allies and sympathetic minds here on Fedi.
Can we start a community in a National Forest somewhere? Since doge fired most of the national park rangers, we shouldn’t have too much trouble and can guarantee that at least that particular area stays clear of garbage and deforesting.
I like your thinking! I’ve got a mountain, you know, just pointing a finger over there.