You know, before work and everything starts again… sometimes I feel like I’m obsessed with min-maxing my weekend because of the limited time I have. So I usually feel quite guilty if I end up slacking too much. And I tend to be quite aware of how much time I have left. Anyone else that has this issue?
When I had that, I solved it by changing jobs. I loved my job, but everyone was stupid about work live balance and stress management. I realized after I changed that I really should have changed jobs sooner.
Can’t say I have large issues with my job tbh. It’s fine. I sometimes even enjoy it. But yeah, I’d rather not have a job at all if the world was made like that.
That’s good!
Another thing I do is to make plans for Sunday night. Then when I look ahead to the end of the weekend, I have my Sunday night plans to look forward to, and not just work on Monday ahead.