now has official community guidelines. These should help clarify what sort of local communities we allow to be hosted on the instance and the rules we expect them to follow.

As most programmers are aware, anticipating every edge case is generally not viable, so these are just guidelines, not written-in-stone rules. The admin team will still evaluate communities on a case-by-case basis, and exceptions are always possible.

If you have any feedback on the guidelines, we are more than happy to hear them, so please post them below.

  • onlinepersona
    11 days ago

    IMO, it would be better to have it the other way around i.e blog owner being a mod and being the only one allowed to post. It makes the intention of the community clear. Mod abuses could be dealt with using the modlog once somebody notifies mods or admins of abuse. Admins will thus only need to be involved when necessary and the blog owner can update the community as necessary (images, description, sidebar text, …) instead of having to take up admin time for such stuff.

    But if the admins disagree, I can be the test chicken for this current mode of working.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

    • UlrikHDOPA
      11 days ago

      It is a precautionary policy to avoid what is currently just a theoretical. You’ll be the first to create personal blog community so it will be interesting to see how it works out.

      Nothing is set in stone of course and policies may be revised, I won’t make any claim that the current set of guidelines are perfect and immutable.