Yeah, you will, in time. If I recall correctly, Debian gives 3 options for pre-set partitioning and the first one has just enough swap partition for normal usage, and the others are one with enough for hibernation and one with no swap. As for many things, hibernation is also optional in Linux world.
On Windows, there is something similar to swap called hiberfil.sys. You can delete that to gain space if you don’t need hibernation. However unlike Windows, swap is also useful for things other than hibernation so we usually include it on our installations even if we have RAM more than 16 GB.
Yeah, you will, in time. If I recall correctly, Debian gives 3 options for pre-set partitioning and the first one has just enough swap partition for normal usage, and the others are one with enough for hibernation and one with no swap. As for many things, hibernation is also optional in Linux world.
On Windows, there is something similar to swap called
. You can delete that to gain space if you don’t need hibernation. However unlike Windows, swap is also useful for things other than hibernation so we usually include it on our installations even if we have RAM more than 16 GB.