What’s the point of everything? What are we heading towards? There’s got to be a reason why we were put here. Why was I put here? To sit at a computer all day and work for another person making spreadsheets and drawing a bird over and over again? Surely that can’t be the reason.
I often hear that “life is a gift”, but this is shittiest gift I’ve ever received. A life full of 9 to 5, too tired to do anything, alone all the time, bills, no money. In post apocalyptic movies there’s the risk of death but at least they’re alive. Have something to do and appreciating every moment they have breath in their lungs. But, not me. No reason to wake up early other than to be tired at a computer desk. Nothing to look forward to other than the morning coffee. Life is monotonous. Even with stuff to do it’s a fleeting feeling. Disappearing the next day knowing that such an event is an anomaly. No fun is to be had.
Movies, video games, and YouTube provide the illusion of being alive. Of breathing for the first time. Of smelling the fresh air of a mountain top. Feeling the touch of a lover. Hearing the laugh of a friend. The feeling of being wanted.
But it’s only an illusion that makes my eyes water and my back stiff. Instead of warmth, I get wrist pain. Instead of happiness, I get eye strain. Instead of a living, I get existing.
I read that our lives were born of star dust. Our world is perfectly situated to harbour the gift of life brought down from the void above us by asteroids and comets. The gift of life is unusual it seems. If that’s the case…
Why was I put here and cursed to live this life of loneliness?
That’s really tough and your predicament is understandable and rough. I’ve been dealing with this as a transplant to a new state for the past few years. I know someone else who sort of went through something like this (even planned her family member’s funeral when that day finally came), and I’ve been helping her get back on her social feet as well; it’s taken several months, but she seems to finally be doing better.
Yes, the slog of making friends sucks, but having friends is essential, vital, and life-giving. If your country has anything like Meetup, or maybe local Facebook groups or similar groups for your cities, I made a friend through one such group (though I had to try attending many with no results).
So, as annoying as the process is, it’s absolutely worth the effort! You don’t need a whole crowd, but connecting with a few people on a similar-enough wavelength as you is statistically likely to reduce your negative feelings, probably massively. “No man is an island,” as it goes.