The writer got mad when a goblin shoved Astarion off a cliff. It reminded me of when I had Karlach shove a goblin in lava, then a goblin ran up and shoved HER in the lava. I didn’t get mad; I took it as a learning moment: enemies can shove me back, so move away from the lava.

  • JackbyDev
    2 years ago

    I think the problem with 5e is that it’s super crunchy with combat but super fluffy with everything else. It is really combat centric. It encourages a lot of ad hoc roleplay but super rigid combat. “The problem” is a strong term. This is mostly my opinion. It’s a popular system so everyone is going to have things about it they dislike.

    I’ve tried to get my friends to try other systems but it has been tough getting buy-in. It’s good enough. We basically play with one combat per long rest but there’s a sort of an unspoken agreement to not go crazy with dumping a bunch of strong spells. Plus I think we actually don’t even have any full casters in the group which is what would benefit most from that style so it works out nicely.