I’m only getting this error while trying to comment on the programming board here on Jerboa. Other boards work on Jerboa and that board works in the browser. My best guess is that it doesn’t allow “Undecided” and Jerboa is using that by default. On the browser I can select a language as I post but it seemed like one with the Undecided language posted still.

Is anyone else getting this problem or is it just me?

  • snoweMA
    31 year ago

    ok, so I changed the settings to allow Undetermined and English (your comment is in English). Can you try on [email protected] again?

    • JackbyDevOP
      11 year ago

      Yes, it worked. Thanks!

      • snoweMA
        21 year ago

        fantastic. very strange the language settings on lemmy. I’m not sure I understand them completely.

        • JackbyDevOP
          11 year ago

          Same here, and Jerboa being a little cryptic doesn’t seem to help. I see the “don’t unselect undecided” message all over and it’s scary lol. I think they just mean because a lot of people don’t select a language for posts or comments so it shows up as Undecided. So in your profile I guess you should leave Undecided and English (and any others) on but maybe I’m missing something. Maybe it’s just bad communication in the pop up messages.