Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.

This is murder.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      Normal people don’t step in front of moving vehicles in order to create a situation where you can justify murdering someone. The cop should have taken one step to the side, or simply not put himself in harm’s way to begin with. Even a normal person knows you don’t jump in front of a moving vehicle. Cops are trained to keep themselves out of harm’s way, but this idiot skipped “don’t play in traffic” day at the academy. Cops are also trained not to shoot into moving vehicles because that creates a totally uncontrollable danger to bystanders. He skipped that day too.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      They could just let her go. They know what she looks like and they know the car she’s in. Unless she goes on the lam for a few bottles of booze it seems easier and safer to follow up with her a day or two later for what is presumably a misdemeanor.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Police step in front of cars quite a bit. There’s a lot of footage out there showing incidents of vehicles trying to flee for whatever reason and an officer deliberately positioning themselves in front of the vehicle.

      The vehicle heading towards the officer or striking the officer opens the door to escalated action on the part of the officers and that includes shooting and killing occupants.

      It’s straight up bullshit justifying the use of deadly force.

      This woman shoplifted. They have the car license plate, her on video conducting the theft with witnesses to the fact…she’s not going to get away with it. Yet the solution is to position oneself in front of the car, where any fool knows you might get struck, to kill someone over booze?

      You can blame the thief for being a dumbass, but fuck cops for escalating something like this to deadly force when they could’ve stepped out of the way and picked her up later. Fucking drop a couple rounds into the engine, it won’t make it more than a couple blocks after it dumps the oil and coolant out…

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          No. I work on cars. They don’t live long without fluids. Nice try though.

          You’re still justifying placing an officer in harm’s way knowing escalation results in dead people. Your priorities are clear.

          Edit: and this is shoplifting. Not trying to stop a murderer or violent criminal. It doesn’t deserve setting someone up for a death sentence.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I don’t understand why the cops couldn’t just arrest her at home. They would’ve had positive identification, AND footage of her committing another crime by fleeing the scene. This was escalated into a life or death situation, and I can’t honestly say that’s entirely her fault.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          oh don’t get me wrong, she’s certainly not blameless. she did all those things while pregnant as well, putting both her and her unborn child at risk.

          i just feel like the cops could’ve recognized it was escalating and not allowed it to become a life or death situation. and i don’t think it’s unrealistic to expect something like that from a keeper of the peace.

          edit: fetus is probably better in place of unborn child, i’m not trying to make a lowkey pro life statement

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              bottom line, sober or not, evasion is not reason enough to kill someone.

              i don’t think anyone should run from the police, provided the system is working the way it should. but i also don’t think police should put themselves in front of an evading vehicle either. that’s needless danger, and any force used with that danger as justification is needless force.

              in this case, unless she’s in a stolen car there’s no way the cops couldn’t find her basically immediately after this crime. obviously for violent/dangerous criminals the approach should be different, but for shoplifting? are we serious here?

              this many officers being dispatched for fucking shoplifting is already a waste of resources, are we gonna die on the hill that it’s totally fine for police to facilitate the escalation of that into death? there’s so many ways this coulda gone that aren’t death, and if cops can’t figure that out then they need more training at the very least.

              i mean no disrespect by the way, you’re making your points very well and i appreciate the discourse.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Have you not kept up with American news. Chips be killing people and then getting away with it. Be asleep in your bed, dead. Answer your door, dead. Cops only shot first and make excuses why it’s your fault later.

      In that situation and really most involving cops, the have guns you aren’t.

      The cops are generally cool when the the people are

      This is a lie. I wish we lived in a world where cops were good and could be trusted but that’s not the world Americans live in.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Thank God the brave officer decided to stand in front of the car and shoot her to death, otherwise she may have escaped with the $30 of alcohol. Also she might have drank the alcohol, so it doesn’t really matter that her and her child are dead.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      Wow, you’re really bending over backwards to defend a murder. The cops started with guns. They had her on video and had her license plate. They didn’t even have to stop here then and there. They shot her and her child dead when the only thing they had to do to secure their safety was back down, but they are incapable of anything but escalation so instead of any one of the infinite possible peaceful reasonable paths to resolution…murder.

      And you’re defending that? Wow.