• Alien Nathan Edward
    21 year ago

    Thats just JS for you. If you’re being generous, it’s a “quirky” language. If you’re being ungenerous, it’s a steaming pile of arbitrary decisions, gotchas, unexpected behaviors and problems that no one bothered to solve because there’s a workaround.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Yeah, JS always seemed like the red-headed stepchild of modern languages. I’d be curious to know if other ECMAScript languages like JScript are as, eh, “quirky”, suggesting that the ECMA spec is the source of the quirkiness, or if JavaScript itself is the one making silly decisions. Technically, I mostly work with Google’s AppScript when I use ECMAScript stuff, but I’m fairly certain AppsScript is based off of JavaScript instead of directly based on the ECMA spec, so I don’t think it’s separate enough for me to draw a conclusion there.