• @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Not gonna lie. I’ve gotten in a few arguments here and people are surprisingly polite. Like, for real. People respect and talk to you like you are a person with different opinions, and not the enemy. It’s been great.

    • quirzle
      11 year ago

      you are a person with different opinions, and not the enemy

      This is the mindset that’s bothered me the most, seems to be growing over time, and is what I meant when I mentioned contrarian accounts/bots. Seems like it stemmed from political subreddits, but it’s everywhere and about everything now. Even related to the api changes, I’ve had people reply to me with totally asinine things like defending forcing ads on users (even paid users) and how blind people don’t need special consideration because their screen readers should be able to scrape the website, and it’s their problem not reddit’s if they can’t.

      So much ridiculous hostility and dehumanizing over such dumb shit.