This is of course not including the yearly Unity subscription, where Unity Pro costs $2,040 per seat (although they may have Enterprise pricing)

Absolutely ridiculous. Many Unity devs are saying they’re switching engines on social media.

    • body_by_make
      261 year ago

      I’ve literally developed Java applications and never heard of the “Java business model”, Java costs nothing for its developers or users, other than dignity.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Right. I’ve been working with Java ever since 1.1.6 back in the late 1990s (so, yeah, 25 years now). I get having opinions about Java and the JVM, but there is no business model associated with it unless they’re referring to what Oracle has tried to do with Java in the past (the licensing and whatnot) which is immaterial these days due to OpenJDK and various other Java/JVM providers.

        This is probably simple confusion is all. Because the poster isn’t wrong about everything being taxed and the consumer always having to pay for it. Greed is running rampant and unchecked now and while it has been this way for some time, it seems to have accelerated during and since the pandemic.

      • @Zikeji
        31 year ago

        Dignity AND sanity.

    • kitonthenet
      1 year ago

      Oh you don’t know which company sells the most licenses for a jdk?

        • kitonthenet
          -11 year ago

          I’m just shocked you didn’t know Oracle™️ Java™️ runs on 3 billion devices!

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago
            1. Of course I know about Oracle, I’m the one who asked you because you clearly do not understand how Java is actually used and distributed.
            2. Oracle JDK and OpenJDK are actually not the dominant Java distribution and most developers don’t even bother with Oracle JDK anymore.
            3. OpenJDK doesn’t require any huge licensing like Oracle JDK does, hence why there are numerous vendors supplying OpenJDK distributions.
            4. Aside from very large corporations, anecdotally I’ve not encountered anyone in the last decade who has had any issues with licensing solely because they’re using an OpenJDK distribution.
            5. I have 25 years experience in the Java ecosystem. You’re not going to be successful trying to zing me.


            If you’re going to say things, it might be helpful to have a clue about what you’re saying.

            • kitonthenet
              1 year ago

              t. God’s most pedantic redditor

              If you knew I was talking about oracle and just wanted to make a point that oracle wasn’t the only one that licensed the JDK first of all, why not just say that, and what the hell does it have to do with my comment?

              No one cares about your Java dev experience, this post wasn’t about Java, or OpenJDK, you just wanted to be a dick, and that makes you a dork

              • @[email protected]
                41 year ago

                This is the java business model, there’s two ways it could go: total flop, everyone hates it and because video games aren’t as deeply entrenched as legacy codethe java business model won’t work. OR the Java business model works great and there’s now a 10% unity tax passed on to the consumers

                Edit lmao the most pedantic Mfs alive in the replies

                This you?

                this post wasn’t about Java

                This also you?

                You are clearly insane. Good bye.

                • kitonthenet
                  -11 year ago

                  Yes mr pedant, you made your point that other companies license a JDK, but you should have done so directly without being an idiot

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    No, I made my point that you simply don’t know what you’re talking about. If you wish to keep trying to act like I’m the asshole for pointing out your clear misunderstandings (as numerous other people did in the thread) while you try to lash out instead of saying “Oh crap, I misunderstood, thanks for helping me” or “No, I meant something else.”, then by all means, please continue. I originally commented simply asking if you meant Oracle. You could have easily said “Yes.” and moved on. But you didn’t, instead relying on continued ad hominem attacks.

                    And your attempt to discredit me by calling me a pedant only reinforces everything I have typed.

                    We’re done now. You’re no longer worth my effort.