The main cast aren’t the only great characters in this game, who are your favorites?

I loved Alfira (Rebecca Hanssen) Isobel (Mia Foo), and Zevlor. All 3 were great casting choices but I can’t figure out who played Zevlor. Any idea?

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I had actually heard that giving her her contract causes her to just get pissed at you and do nothing. I’m not clear on what the strange conditionals there are, as I simply didn’t find the contract (even though I swear I found everything and then some in the House of Hope) and am working entirely on second-hand experiences.

    Still feels incredibly lackluster, tbh. Tying it to a companion (side?)quest via Karlach, or at least letting Mol half admit to you what happened and prompting a quest log entry or… something, could have made it feel far more significant and meaningful.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I feel like the dialogues options can have a big and lasting impact with many characters. Maybe it depends on stuff happening in both act 1 and act 2.

      I admit it could be more. But on the other hand I see most tiefling settle for their life once they reach Baldur’s Gate. We get a closure with them at least. We could get more, but there’s already so much in act 3 I’m almost glad there isn’t more lol. ^^