I’m not sure how accurate StatCounter is, given that most Linux users use adblockers. However, according to it, Linux has almost a 14% desktop share in India.

  • @onlinepersona
    09 months ago

    chatiya? chetiya? chitiya? chotiya? chutiya?

    Why are you censoring yourself? I’m not sure that word means anything in English.

      • @onlinepersona
        19 months ago

        That may be, but most Hindi speakers are quite concentrated in one area of the world and IIRC make up less than 10% of fediverse or something.

        • @[email protected]
          -39 months ago

          Many Indians simply type English on the internet, because foreigners cannot understand Hindi. However Indians among themselves often use Hindi, just like Chinese, Russians, those who speak Spanish, Esperanto or Portuguese (Brasil). That does not mean those languages have less speakers, they are just not visible on “western corporate” internet.