I’ve been learning on and off about programming for 3 years now. Mostly front-end, html/css/js, for school projects. My degree isn’t in CS or IT, so projects that give the opportunity to code are scarce and often short. So I get that I may simply may not have enough hours in coding.

So I’m delighted to be taking CS50 as a Minor at the moment, this has given me the chance to sink a lot of hours in coding, and currently I am in week 5 Data Structures.

But every time I start on the problem sets, I feel overwhelmed and feel like I don’t understand anything. I have to Google/GPT the most basic of things. Even though I’ve been programming regularly the past 6 weeks, I don’t feel as if I have improved and I’m starting to doubt if this is a career for me.

In a year I would like to find a career in development. Have any of you felt this way? And what has helped you get rid of this imposter syndrome?

  • ShroOmeric
    21 year ago

    I have also begun the CS50 and is not easy my friend, in particular if you start without much background. And week 5 add a pretty big piece of info to the mix. I’m also learning and feel often dumb, I know other people learning and they also feel dumb from time to time.

    Keep learning you’ll see the progress, and the imposter syndrome is what forces you to learn more and do better. Think of it as an ally instaed of a problem.