Too narrow, hidden, minimal feedback…

  • @[email protected]
    241 year ago

    People with dexterity and hand control challenges have a difficult time with these skinny scroll bars.

    I have neither dexterity nor hand control challenges and I still find it incredibly hard to grab those skinny scroll bars.

    One additional design “feature” I really despise is auto hiding scroll bars. So then to visually see when I am I have to scroll up and down to bring it back.

    And web designers that do that stupid scroll hijacking where scrolling “stops” and then things move around for a bit should be launched into the sun. It’s the most anti-UX design I’ve ever seen. It’s literally the same as temporarily causing your mouse cursor to move in the opposite direction of input and then calling it a “design feature”.

    Imagine if each application on your computer arbitrarily changed up the direction your mouse cursor moves. It’s literally the same thing. Computer input should be 100% predictable and reliable. The instant you do that it makes the computer/program/website feel sluggish and inoperative.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      That scroll hijacking legit feels like getting stunned in call of duty or something, suddenly your mouse just doesn’t want to do what you tell it to.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Scroll bar hiding/skinny scroll bars are for people who don’t use them.

      Apple hides them by default because they expect you to use the trackpad/scroll pad(?) on the magic mouse.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Just more examples of modern designers creating shit to stay relevant.

      I hate modern design. We had good design up until the mid-2000s, then it all started going to shit.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Back in the day, the guideline was to put useful information and links at the top of the page when it loads, so that people could read the important bits and follow the links they needed without having to scroll down. Then everyone started using the entire space on load for a stock marketing photo or video so you would always need to scroll to see anything useful. Then they added whitespace everywhere so you’d need to scroll more. Then they removed the scrollbars. And sometimes they make scrolling do unpredictable animations instead of scrolling. It has become self-indulgent design instead of functional.