I’ve been hearing about Animal Man for the last few years, but never got around to reading it or really much of Morrison’s work. I already knew the ending before I started, but it didn’t take away from the experience at all (or maybe it did, but I was still floored by it). Even the issues that didn’t involve metafiction were just great superhero stories. I think the first 4 issues alone would still be remembered if Morrison didn’t get to continue the series afterwards.

Now I am looking forward to reading their run on Doom Patrol and dig deeper into their works. Maybe I’ll check out Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing as well.

  • DaleGribble88
    2 years ago

    Grant Morrison is OP. He had an absolutely amazing and incredibly long lasting run with Batman a few years back, immediately after Final Crisis. “Batman R.I.P.” -> “Final Crisis” -> (Special Shout out to Neil Gaiman’s “Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?” at this point in the chronology) -> “Battle for the Cowl” -> “Batman & Robin” (Basically the whole run, very few weak sections) -> “The Return of Bruce Wayne”. After that leads into “The Road Home” and eventually “Batman Incorporated” which are both good, but I really feel like the Return of Bruce Wayne really cemented the end of the arc, and those led back into a return to normalcy for Batman. Not a bad thing, but Grant has written a lot of Batman comics over the years, so I’ve got to cut it off sometime.

    Grant Morrison also wrote “All-Star Superman” which is worth every bit of the hype it receives imo.