im gonna kinda blabber here.

you ever just want to do something for your interest just to change the next day also what is that called? i have autism, dyslexia, depression and im constantly bored for some reason. i find that im hard to entertain or to find something to do plus i struggle with learning. i really want to create something that i can share with others, maybe a short story? honestly im not sure. i feel like i need a creative hobby and things like sewing or anything to do with fabric dont interest me because i believe i may be a nerd. ive been wanting to do something from a my pc possibly but at this point im not sure anymore. i like dnd but i dont have friends to play with and i dont trust online activities.

  • @potoo22
    111 months ago

    Interest changing often is often associated with ADHD, which is more common in people with ASD. Maybe something to look in to.
    I have inattentive ADHD and undiagnosed ASD, and my interests rotate a lot, but they all typically involve building of some sort. Unusually in video games, like Minecraft, Satisfactory, Kerbal Space Program, but also physical things like legos, 3D printing, and woodworking. Model building is also a popular hobby, but never caught my interest. I tried writing, but I’m too perfectionist and get to a point where I rewrite old material more than finishing the story. At some points, I wanted to be able to share my creations, but I’ve rarely get any praise beyond the initial, one-time “That’s cool!” reaction and my work never gets mentioned again. Kinda depressing, but I decided I want to build stuff for me because I like it and it makes me happy.