• @bloopernova
    11 months ago

    Time to get busy with https://5e.d20srd.org/indexes/spells.htm

    Blade Harrier - bird made of razor sharp blades attacks enemies.

    Animate Mead - especially good when someone just drank a bunch.

    Crone - create a ghastly old witch who scares your enemies.

    Ball Lightning - control a big ball of electricity for level x rounds.

    Stoneskim - throw a stone that bounces on water and does level x d10 damage.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      Produce Blame - shift responsibility onto an adjacent player.

      Beacon of Hose - keep any bards in range from doing the deed.

      Flesh to Store - morbid way to buy and sell goods, far away from civilization.

      Tiny Hat - purely cosmetic, but so worth it.

      Mage Sand - sha-sha-sha!

      Tree Strife - an off-color joke that will get you cancelled by the ents. Eventually.

      Punburst - a barrage televisable jokes which might still get you killed.

      Arcane Lick - you’re lucky restraining orders haven’t been invented yet.

      Tire Shield - surprisingly effective.

      Fund Steed - they’re fucking expensive!

      Revilify - shift responsibility onto any past target of Produce Blame.

      • @bloopernova
        11 months ago

        Each one of these I would love to use, they’re all great! I like trying to come up with good ones:

        Flame Shrike - depends if you’ve read Hyperion if you think this one is good lol.

        Dog Cloud - an army of faithful hounds.

        Dope Trick - fascinates large groups of people.

        Contact Otter Plane - for advice and cuteness

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Fare Storm - lawful neutral highway robbery.

          Blank - counterspell for a scroll.

          Knick - does minimal damage, but it really hurts!

          Mass Peal - deafen nearby enemies with a cacophony of bells.

          Bending - it’s just Move Earth, but you get to pretend you know karate.

          Spore the Dying - cordyceps infection technically is not necromancy.

          Cull Lightning - increases rendering efficiency.

          Dispel Gold - really pisses off the munchkins.

          Wall of Firs - like Wall of Stone, but biodegradable.

          Counterspill - put any liquid back into its container. Potions included.