The Prettier Bounty is a challenge to write a prettier-compliant pretty printer in Rust

  • @Anders429
    48 months ago

    Wow, they really did not make that clear at all on the contest description.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Yeah, “pretty printer” to me means some kind of pretty output library, like for terminal applications. I’d call this a “code formatter,” but whatever.

      I guess this is what happens when your community doesn’t standardize on something early on. I guess I take cargo fmt for granted.

    • @snaggenOP
      38 months ago

      They say you should pass 95% of the Prettier JavaScript tests to win the price.

      • @Anders429
        28 months ago

        What tests? There is no hyperlink, for all I know, these are just some hidden tests that the owners of the competition run on the solutions to verify them. There is no link to Prettier at all, and at a first read it’s very unclear this is what they want you to do if you aren’t already familiar with the tool they want you to recreate.

        • @snaggenOP
          58 months ago

          Ok, I don’t know what is more worrying, that a developer fails to find prettier on GitHub, or that a developer fails to Google it. But I guess that if you fail this, you were probably not the target audience for the challenge.

          • @hascat
            48 months ago

            Nobody reading about the contest in the linked page should have to rely on Google to fully understand the parameters of the contest. Whoever authored this page is lazy.