Many of us write opensource code in a void: nobody ever looks at it, uses it nor reviews it. We are the only users and authors.

In order to improve, where can we get our code reviewed? I don’t mean professionally, just from like-minded individuals.

  • @stifle867
    110 months ago

    It’s great to see the attempt and also an example of what the C4 guidelines are made to avoid.

    Notice how many comments are little nitpicks about this and that. Completely stalling the commit and getting further away from the original point of C4 which is to reduce contributor friction and avoid these kind of endless discussions on PRs.

    I don’t want to be too critical because some of that is a clear lack of understanding of the motivations of C4 which is explained more thoroughly in Pieter’s blog posts. You don’t want to adopt a contributor guidelines that you don’t understand of course.

    IMO it’s better just to implement it as-is and start using it in practice rather than bikeshedding.

    • @onlinepersonaOP
      210 months ago

      Feel free to make that comment there.

      • @stifle867
        210 months ago

        I would have but I don’t want to tie my Lemmy account to my actual identity :/