So my roommate is a habitual cigarette smoker. He doesn’t smoke indoors (thankfully) but he does smoke about every other night outdoors. I don’t think he realizes that when he’s done smoking the smell sort of… lingers on him and his clothes. Last night after he was done he was in the kitchen for a bit cooking. I came in this morning to make a sandwich and the smell was all over the kitchen and very pungent, it made me think some food was rotting. This kind of thing happens probably once a week, and while I’m kind of used to it by now I do want to have people over and have them actually be comfortable.

Apart from asking him to quit (I doubt it) is there any sort of concotion or thing I can make / spray / sanitize to get rid of the smell? Some days it’s nonexistent but other days it’s almost unbearable.

  • @Zikeji
    77 months ago

    I was responding to the way OP depicted his smoking as “every other day at night”. If they had just said their roommate smoked I would have interpreted it like you present it. Designated clothes are a good idea though. Scentless lysol works but for a chain smoker is going to burn a hole in the pocket.

      • @Zikeji
        57 months ago

        No worries, you’re probably closer to the truth of it anyway, I’ve only ever been a social smoker.

    • Pete Hahnloser
      57 months ago

      My ex and I were pack-a-day smokers (out on the porch every 45 minutes to an hour, depending on activity). First hole in new pajamas was a rite of passage. Sometimes took a few months, but it always happened.