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Tweet by San Antonio Express-New, saying: “Sen. Rafael Edward Cruz, who uses the preferred name Ted, has introduced a bill to limit the use of preferred names and pronouns.”

      • ares35
        4110 months ago

        the express-news, along with the newspapers in austin, corpus christi, dallas, el paso, fort worth, houston, and longview, all endorsed beto in 2018.

        • @odium
          3210 months ago

          As always, it’s an urban vs rural divide, not a State divide.

          • @[email protected]
            3410 months ago

            Which is another reason everyone in charge is scared of remote work. The divide is what keeps this ridiculous political shitstorm going. I say this as a techie Texan with a permanent WFH job who used the pandemic as an excuse to move out of the city. The small town I live near now has slowly transformed from a typical R-voting small Texas town to a purpleish LGBT friendlyish badass mixed community. We still voted for that stupid pee-baby Abbott, but change is definitely in the air…