Day 17: Clumsy Crucible

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


  • cacheson
    10 months ago


    Another tough one. Judging by the relative lack of comments here, I wasn’t the only one that had trouble. For me this one was less frustrating and more interesting than day 12, though.

    I solved part 1 by doing a recursive depth-first search, biasing towards a zigzag path directly to the goal in order to establish a baseline path cost. Path branches that got more expensive than the current best path terminated early. I also stored direction, speed, and heat loss data for each tile entered. Any path branch that entered a tile in the same direction and at the same (or greater) speed as a previous path was terminated, unless it had a lower temperature loss.

    This ran pretty slowly, taking around an hour to finish. I took a break and just let it run. Once it completed, it had gotten pretty late, so I did a quick naive modification for part 2 to account for the new movement restrictions, and let that run overnight. The next day it was still running, so I spent some time trying to think of a way to speed it up. Didn’t really get anywhere on my own, so I started reading up on A* to refresh my memory on how it worked.

    The solution that I arrived at for the rewrite was to use Dijkstra’s algorithm to pre-compute a map of what the minimum possible costs would be from each tile to the goal, if adjacent tiles could be moved to without restriction. I then used that as the heuristic for A*. While I was writing this, the original part 2 program did finish and gave the correct answer. Since I was already this far in though, I figured I’d finish the rewrite anyway.

    The new program got the wrong answer, but did so very quickly. It turned out that I had a bug in my Dijkstra map. I was sorting the node queue by the currently computed cost to move from that node to the goal, when it instead should have been sorted by that plus the cost to enter that node from a neighbor. Since the node at the head of the queue is removed and marked as finalized on each iteration, some nodes were being finalized before their actual minimum costs were found.

    When using the A* algorithm, you usually want your heuristic cost estimate to underestimate the actual cost to reach the goal from a given node. If it overestimates instead, the algorithm will overlook routes that are potentially more optimal than the computed route. This can be useful if you want to find a “good enough” route quickly, but in this case we need the actual best path.