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  • Barges into Youtube

  • Uploads interesting videos weekly for a decade

  • Refuses to elaborate further

  • Heads off into the sunset

Image of Tom Scott flying under a helicopter in a harness

  • Harry
    339 months ago

    Absolutely zero disrespect intended here, but what does he do? Like, what’s sort of vibe/stuff does he do? Only curious as I’m looking for a channel to peruse…

    • @[email protected]
      909 months ago

      Mostly short form explainers about interesting subjects, presented in a sort of breathless British TV presenter style. Like a young Attenborough but less posh. Pretty good channel.

      • BarqsHasBite
        109 months ago

        I think short form is more like tiktok/youtube shorts length now. I’d put tom scott as medium length.

        • @[email protected]
          69 months ago

          You’re right, the term has taken on that meaning by now. It’s just relatively short compared to the multi hour video essays I tend to consume the most.

      • @pythonoob
        59 months ago

        Wasn’t he on conputerphile a lot too? That channel is amazing

    • @[email protected]
      259 months ago

      Hard to pin Down. Most of his stuff is going to unique and unusual places and customs and why they end up like that. But he also does some pretty great videos on linguistics and computer science.

      I would say the best to describe his content is that he is a journalist doing those old school “general interest” style news stories.

    • @[email protected]
      169 months ago

      My best answer would be for you to go to his YouTube channel, find a video that even mildly piques your interest, and watch him. Like the other person said, he’s hard to pin down because he doesn’t cover one specific field of interest, but he does make sure to research everything he’s talking about. He can even make talking about poorly designed road intersections interesting.

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      You know those shows that your parents might’ve had you watch as a kid that were about exploring and learning about new places? Basically that for adults