edit: GUYS fuck stalin and fuck tankies, period. i understand that this community is more sensitive than most to pro-stalinist vibes, and i apologize for unintentionally twinging that nerve, but you need stop calling each other (and me) slurs

good heavens, happy new year, fuck incarceration and murder in all forms

(mods pls also do your job and help with the slurs thing)

edit2: big thank u 2 da mods for helping with the slurs thing u guys rock 😎 💕

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    TFW you attack people for saying “capitalism is bad hurrdurr” but can only offer “capitalism is good durrhurr”

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Market socialism is good. Syndicalism is good. Pretty much every form of socialism that starts without “maybe we should build a dictatorship, what’s the worst that could happen” is going to be better than capitalism.