Hey everyone! Figured I would do an AMA to kick off some activity in the IAmA community over here. Feel free to throw down some questions below and ill answer them

I’m currently a student in university and have been doing both web development and game development recently (web for internships, game on my own). Out of the four admins ive been the one mainly handling community creation and managing in the instance to make sure everythings running smoothly

Some other misc topics that I can answer about: I compose music & make pixel art, and my favorite games are minecraft, SCP:SL, everhood, battlerite, and metal slug 3

If anyone else wants to do an AMA feel free to start one up in the community (assuming it fits the instance). Any activity helps get the ball rolling for getting it active

  • @RonSijm
    11 year ago

    I don’t know where you’re hosting, (you mentioned in another post other admins handle that) -

    But you could try hosting in AWS. You can attempt to apply for credits, and could receive anywhere from $5000 to $100.000 in free credits for the first year or 2. That would save you from having any hosting costs

    • @solidsnail
      31 year ago

      I’d be cautious with aws. They have a precedence of kicking services out of their platform when it’s convenient to them.

    • @sosdoc
      11 year ago

      For simpler hosting AWS can end up being much more expensive (and more work to manage) so it can be more cost-effective to stick to a VPS from providers like DigitalOcean, Hetzner, etc.

      For example, lemmy.world is hosted on Hetzner and uses an alternative to S3 for media, if I had to wager they’d probably spend much more by being on AWS.

      • @RonSijm
        11 year ago

        Well yea, that’s why I mentioned to see if they can apply for a sponsorship. They do it pretty easily. If AWS foots the bill for the first 2 years, they could still just migrate out of it after the free period has ended