Hey everyone! Figured I would do an AMA to kick off some activity in the IAmA community over here. Feel free to throw down some questions below and ill answer them

I’m currently a student in university and have been doing both web development and game development recently (web for internships, game on my own). Out of the four admins ive been the one mainly handling community creation and managing in the instance to make sure everythings running smoothly

Some other misc topics that I can answer about: I compose music & make pixel art, and my favorite games are minecraft, SCP:SL, everhood, battlerite, and metal slug 3

If anyone else wants to do an AMA feel free to start one up in the community (assuming it fits the instance). Any activity helps get the ball rolling for getting it active

  • @FamiliarSoftware
    101 year ago

    Thanks for hosting us, my question is directly related: What kind of hardware do you use for hosting the instance? Is it local or in some cloud? Where do you think lemmys biggest issues will be when it comes to scaling?

    • AtegonOPMA
      1 year ago

      The first question there I cant really answer since I dont deal with hosting (the other admins are the ones doing that) but I think its on a VPS. In terms of issues with scaling, that will be from smaller instances interacting with larger ones. If theres a small instance with around 10 people that federates and gets content from all the communities in the bigger instances it would need more resources than usual due to all the content coming in that is needs to handle and store. That then expanded for all of the different small instances can get to be a bit much for all of them. Things that can prevent that though is people in the same instance subscribing to the same things (since it already got that content so it doesnt need to get it again for the other person) and not subscribing to everything you see

      • @Mikina
        11 year ago

        Would you be able to share an estimate of monthly costs associated with hosting this instance? I don’t need an exact number, just an idea of the budget you should have ready if you want Lemmy on VCS.

        • AtegonOPMA
          11 year ago

          current costs are around $2.1k a year so divided by 12 months would be $175 a month. Part of that was due to the initial domain name purchase though which was $580

          • @Mikina
            11 year ago

            Thank you! Now that I think about, I’ll make sure to donate a bit, it sounds like a pretty expensive hobby and so far, I really like this instance.

            Have you maybe considered some kind of supporter badges for accounts? I wouldn’t include any other benefits to not alienate the userbase too much, but almost every time I’ve actually realized that I should donate to some project I really liked was thanks to someone having a supporter badge, even though I’ve seen numerous banners or messages asking for donations - which may be because they are so frequent and resemble ads too much, that I’m conditioned to just not pay any attention to them by default. But a supporter badge may inspire some more people to donate.

            • AtegonOPMA
              21 year ago

              yeah ive been thinking about that as a way to show supporters. Might be something that can be added in once I get flairs down and it can show up beside someone similar to the creator, mod, admin, etc. bubbles

  • kisor
    1 year ago
    • How old are you?
    • What is your favorite breakfast?
    • What is the name of your first pet?
    • What is the name of your first teacher?
    • AtegonOPMA
      1 year ago
      • Age: 21
      • Breakfast: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==
      • Pet: nUE0pUZ6Yl93q3phrJ91qUIvMF5wo20iq2S0L2t/qw1xHKp0qmyKM1uwHD==
      • Teacher: 2w#_4w|e{Jhb5b4F6(h`5w’:+$d;3a_G5au_*a8^5;`<&)4_5K=)+`9;&"ll
      • kisor
        41 year ago

        Thanks for playing. Incidentally I use the same approach for security questions. My security responses would always be three or four char random strings.

    • @RonSijm
      51 year ago

      Haha, these seems security questions going in the direction of:

      • What is your mother’s maiden name?
      • What will your 2FA token be a 12:00 PM tomorrow?
      • kisor
        41 year ago

        C’mon man, you are exposing my business model

  • @askat
    71 year ago

    What are the biggest challenges so far on this instance? What help from other members is most welcome?

    • AtegonOPMA
      111 year ago

      This is going to be from my point of view as I haven’t dealt with the back end of the server much currently (so ill leave challenges relating to that to snowe) but the biggest challenge has been getting people to know about the smaller communities that are starting up here to get them used. With the larger ones people in other instances can see the posts appear in new hot and active sort to then see that the community exists and subscribe to it but the smaller ones that dont have much starting activity only are really visible by those in this instance that are browsing the full community list

      The help from members that is most welcome for the instance is definitely contributing content. Posting things in different communities (especially the smaller ones) to get some things people can interact with is the biggest factor for getting more activity in the instance to then help it grow. The godot community here used to be the smallest one out of the godot communities in lemmy but due to all of the content that got posted and all of the people that have been interacting with each other in it its now the fifth largest in our instance and 4x the subscriber numbers of the next largest godot community. Replicating that with some other community like nim, programming elysium, etc. by adding in content would be a huge help

  • Tom
    61 year ago

    What got you interested in programming (or tech in general)? And what was your first language/programming experience?

    • AtegonOPMA
      1 year ago

      The first thing that got me interested was mainly on the game dev side. In grades 5 & 6 a lot of people in my class would make games on scratch and then play each others stuff. There was also someone in my class who was making stuff like a website, etc. that I thought looked really cool so wanted to start doing my own stuff similar to that. Then when I was in grade 7 there was two main games that were popular and developed primarily by one person each (Undertale by Toby Fox and Five Nights at Freddys by Scott Cawthon). Seeing and enjoying those games started making me think that if they can do it then I can too so I starting doing a bunch of things relating to programming.

      For tech in general it would be playing warcraft 3 when I was 5

  • bugsmithMA
    61 year ago
    • Tabs or Spaces?
    • Favourite IDE or text editor?
    • Favourite Libraries and / or frameworks?
    • What is an open source project you think is interesting?
    • AtegonOPMA
      51 year ago

      Tabs due to accessibility

      Favorite one currently is VS Code (been using it for everything except for developing in godot (in which I use the built in one) and work (using intellij))

      React, date-fns, dotenv, forever.js, discord.js

      Im a huge fan of a bunch of open source stuff (godot, inkscape, gimp, lemmy, blender, etc.) but one that I think is interesting that is a bit less known is a mod loader for godot https://github.com/GodotModding/godot-mod-loader . Its been making the modding community for godot games way better since it basically just lets devs drop it into the game and its functional with then dealing with dependencies, mod handling, steam workshop support, etc. Ive already used it for making some mods for dome keeper and its been getting implemented in different games (brotato, luck be a landlord, dome keeper, etc.)

      • bugsmithMA
        21 year ago

        Mod-loader certainly looks interesting! I have dabbled a little with gamedev and one thing that always struck me as challenging was building modability into your game. I’d like to see an extension that helps to build scripting via LUA or something similar into your games too. Thanks for sharing.

  • @solidsnail
    51 year ago

    What security concerns do the admins have regarding operation of the instance? How have you dealt with them?

    • AtegonOPMA
      51 year ago

      Out of the things I can talk about the main issue has mostly been the threat of spam + upvote bots from other instances due to federation. We have an application process to stop bots but since we federate with everyone by default someone can spin up an instance or hijack a lower security instance and just fill it with bots to then interact with posts here. It hasnt happened yet thankfully but if it becomes a problem we will likely have to start defederating with botted instances (someone made a nice tool to call out suspicious ones that I dont have the link to on me right now but it exists) and in the future I might be able to get in some sort of mechanism on the site to auto detect botted upvotes

  • @flyingtwentyfour
    51 year ago

    have you or any of the team, talk with programming mods in reddit to move here?

    • AtegonOPMA
      1 year ago

      Outside of the subreddits we ran not really. The mod of r/indiedev was talking about possibly setting up links to alternative communities so I told them about it but for the most part weve just let subreddit mods and users migrate on their own if they want. The main people I did reach out to was the godot team (as im the main mod for the godot community here) to get the lemmy community in the godot communities page on their website but havent heard anything back from them

  • @razza856
    41 year ago

    how are you guys affording the server costs for your instance?

    and how do you intend to pay them in the future when more people are subscribed to your instance?

    • AtegonOPMA
      1 year ago

      Were running off of donations with money donated to snowe on github here https://github.com/sponsors/snowe2010/ being put towards server costs

      We hopefully shouldnt have to do anything else in terms of getting money (theres some fixes being pushed out for lemmy that will significantly reduce the load on the server which will really help). Worst case maybe we can do some visual stuff for donators but I dont want to run ads

      • @RonSijm
        11 year ago

        I don’t know where you’re hosting, (you mentioned in another post other admins handle that) -

        But you could try hosting in AWS. You can attempt to apply for credits, and could receive anywhere from $5000 to $100.000 in free credits for the first year or 2. That would save you from having any hosting costs

        • @solidsnail
          31 year ago

          I’d be cautious with aws. They have a precedence of kicking services out of their platform when it’s convenient to them.

        • @sosdoc
          11 year ago

          For simpler hosting AWS can end up being much more expensive (and more work to manage) so it can be more cost-effective to stick to a VPS from providers like DigitalOcean, Hetzner, etc.

          For example, lemmy.world is hosted on Hetzner and uses an alternative to S3 for media, if I had to wager they’d probably spend much more by being on AWS.

          • @RonSijm
            11 year ago

            Well yea, that’s why I mentioned to see if they can apply for a sponsorship. They do it pretty easily. If AWS foots the bill for the first 2 years, they could still just migrate out of it after the free period has ended

  • @RonSijm
    41 year ago
    • What programming languages do you know / commonly use?

    • How do you plan to run this instance Lemmy versioning wise - in the sense of - will you stick to running the “officially” released builds, or will you use/create forks with new features/fixes that are not in main yet?

    I don’t know how easy it is to get PRs into the main Lemmy repo if you want to add stuff, or what the timelines are. Could be interesting to see instances run their custom forks for a while to beta-test them before those forks get merged into main.

    • AtegonOPMA
      51 year ago

      Ones I typically use are javascript, C#, gdscript, C++, and typescript and been starting to learn rust recently so I can work on some lemmy features. Ive also touched haskell, prolog, and python for uni

      We already have a fork up for the instance that is going to be contributed to and used for the instance that has things other than ones in the release build. One thing I added to that is a button in the navbar that just takes people to the request community when they click it (as a replacement for the create community button in other instances) (although currently it seems to be very broken when its not locally hosted). Im also working on a flairs feature and snowe is working on a polling system

      • @RonSijm
        21 year ago

        and been starting to learn rust recently so I can work on some lemmy features.

        That’s pretty cool. I’ve been doing the same thing. I downloaded the LemmyNet source and checked it out a bit, though it seems pretty small.

        What do you think of the Lemmy source from what you’ve seen? I was expecting a more modular setup. So in the future there could be something like a marketplace / extension page were people can just add specific features to their instances… for example for your thing, people just install “Mod-Add-Navbar-Button-To-Request-Community” extension

        • AtegonOPMA
          11 year ago

          Source is relatively decent. Clear enough that it can be navigated but still can be a pain to figure out what some things do on first look. For the community request button it was just 7 lines I could add into the navbar script in lemmy-ui which was pretty easy to do. Having a more modular set up could be cool but might be a bunch of work for the devs to get that set up so for now im fine with how it is

  • @spartanatreyu
    41 year ago

    What do you this website still needs?

    Personally I think Lemmy isn’t immediately intuitive and we’re losing potential users based purely on the friction those new users experience when first hearing about Lemmy. I think we need a pinned post at the top of the website (or even an FAQ link in the header) explaining what Lemmy is, and how to:

    • Create an account here and access things made on this Lemmy instance
    • Create an account here and access other Lemmy instances
    • How to access content created here from other Lemmy instances
    • AtegonOPMA
      41 year ago

      The thing it mostly needs right now is more stability. There are some things that are a bit broken right now (e.g. image uploading directly to lemmy only works a bit after the server has been restarted) that could discourage new people from posting. I agree as well that it is a bit hard to get started with lemmy. Ill look into adding some features and help links to make that a bit easier (although certain issues like join-lemmy being overwhelming and saying how to see content from other instances I cant really deal with since you cant see things on the site from other instances)

  • @chaoticAnimals
    41 year ago

    What do you think of this community so far?

    What type of game (and engine) are you building?

    Thanks for all the work you have been doing!

    • AtegonOPMA
      71 year ago

      The community here has been awesome. From the posts and comments ive looked at everyone has been really friendly and ive been really enjoying building up the space cause of it

      In terms of game ive been mostly working on some games for game jams recently. The latest one ive worked on was an arcade-type game similar to spy hunter and rally bike for the brackeys jam. The main overarching game ive been working on (very slowly) is a roguelite platformer heavily focused on modifying your weapons (so you can start with a sword and then turn it into a rapid firing dagger that smites enemies using different modifiers on it). I use both unity and godot with unity used for most jam games I do in a team and godot for solo jam games and my personal games

      • @chaoticAnimals
        31 year ago

        Yeah, this is pretty much my favorite place on the internet right now.

        I’m an FFXIV player. I never thought about creating my own game until my son turned 5. I’ve been using Scratch because he really likes watching me create something specifically for him. I’ve been toying around the idea of doing a project for my portfolio though.

        Thanks for the AMA!

  • @solidsnail
    31 year ago

    Is there any any lack of resources except financial?

    • AtegonOPMA
      1 year ago

      Theres not really a lack of stuff currently except maybe time. Theres a bunch of features I want to try to add to lemmy so having some people to help develop those to get them into the instance would be great. Some things that I’m wanting to get in are: flairs, better code blocks, admin + mod permissions that are better adapted to the instance so I dont have to be a mod in all of the communities, and some visual changes so that users can do things like change the community icon shape if they want to differentiate communities and users

  • JackbyDev
    21 year ago

    What movies have you enjoyed recently?

    • AtegonOPMA
      21 year ago

      I dont watch movies very much so probably the only ive seen recently is the mario movie

  • @aja
    21 year ago

    Eri or Fio?

    • AtegonOPMA
      21 year ago
