It’s not like any candidate was actually good but they did pick the worst one.

  • @[email protected]
    129 months ago

    Biden BARELY beat him the first time around and conditions are WORSE this time around:

    1: The electorate has a ridiculously short memory and aren’t currently suffering from Trump being president.

    2: Related to but distinct from 1, Biden’s main strategy of “at least I’m not the other guy” is much less effective for an incumbent than a challenger.

    3: Biden is currently alienating a large part of his own base by supporting two seperate genocides (Gaza and Yemen), one of which Democrats actually care about even when there’s a Dem president.

    Don’t get me wrong, I REALLY want him to win since he’s by far the lesser evil, but for the above reasons and others, there’s a significant risk of him actually losing if the traitor isn’t disqualified as he should be

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      49 months ago

      Things are not worse. Life for the average American is significantly better now than it was in 2020. I guess everyone’s already forgotten the shambles our society was in during the 2020 election?

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        I meant that his ELECTION prospects are worse, in part BECAUSE life in general is better and many have forgotten just how awful it used to be.

        It’s much easier to get elected on “we know he’s not the most exciting candidate, but at least he’s better than the one ruining your life right now” than on “we know he’s been underwhelming but at least he hasn’t been catastrophic like the one who used to ruin your life”

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Biden won by nearly 7 million votes with a 62% of votes under 30 years old and 52% under 45 years old.

      Actually the only age group he didn’t win with was 65+ and they’re the ones dropping faster and faster each month.

      So you’re assuming people will take Trump over Biden because he was involved in genocide when he was involved in 8 years of drone strike champion before he ran in 2020.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        He won the popular vote by a smaller percentage of votes cast than Hillary and the Dem candidate winning the sub-45yo vote is pretty much a given. In most elections, it would be by much more.

        As for the 65+ group, a lot of fascists and people who don’t consider fascism more of a deal breaker than a (D) behind a name are aging into that group, perhaps as many as are dying off.

        And no, I’m not assuming anything. I’m pointing out that there’s a big risk of the pro-democracy candidate losing if he and the rest of the DNC don’t stop thinking that “Not Trump” is enough and start listening to what the public wants.

        • @[email protected]
          -19 months ago

          I don’t know how to explain to you that you just agreed with me.

          You agree that young people vote dem

          You agree old people are dying off

          But you think Dems will be held accountable by voters by electing a worse candidate for them just to spite the Dems? .

          People will take the best option they are provided and 2020 had the highest voter turnout since 1900 for sleepy creepy Joe.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            You obviously have a lot more faith in the rationality of voters than I do, in spite of the whole gestures at entire world thing.

            In stead of pointing out details, I’m just gonna hope that your faith will be rewarded in a little under 11 months and wish you a nice day.

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              “I don’t have an argument, but I can’t handle being wrong, so I wrote this to ensure the safety of my ego”

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                No. I was about to refute their misconceptions point by point but decided it wasn’t worth the effort since we’re ostensibly on the same side and nothing I or anyone else can say would convince them.

                Same with you, it seems, so unless you actually have something to add, I suggest you take your conclusion jumping elsewhere.

                • @[email protected]
                  -19 months ago

                  Please do try. I’d like to see you show how hilariously out of your element you are trying to prove something to a bunch of randos on the internet :)

                  Classic conservative playbook… as soon as somebody proves you wrong or even just argues well against your points, you make a short comment indicating that the time for discussion has passed and that you’ve already won.

                  It’s a well documented strategy:

                  Enjoy your astroturfing

                  • @[email protected]
                    19 months ago

                    hilariously out of your element

                    Says the one who calls me a


                    Dude, can’t you read? I clearly said that Biden’s the lesser evil by far and that the Trump presidency was a catastrophe.

                    I’m not calling Biden an evil because I think he’s too far left. I’m calling him an evil because he’s way too far right and way too authoritarian. Dude loves cops and the fascist apartheid state Israel, just like Trump does.