• @onlinepersona
    69 months ago

    That’s a cop out. If you make no effort, then of course nothing will change. You can look for brands that try to be ethical like FairPhone or Fair Trade brands. If all you do keep buying from the biggest, baddest brands out there, well, you’re part of the problem. They wouldn’t be rich without people like you.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      There are no “good” brands under capitalism. The issue is not of the moral failing of individual companies. We can’t solve the issues of capitalism by “consuming” right.

      You think fairphone have no slave-labour rare-earth metals in them?

      • @onlinepersona
        59 months ago

        Riddle me this: can flawed being create a perfect system?

        Also, is your “solution” to living in an evil, capitalistic society being a consumer of the biggest capitalistic brands?

        You think fairphone have no slave-labour rare-earth metals in them?

        Everything is black and white? There’s no in-between? Fairphone is thus as bad as Apple?

        CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          It doesn’t matter if they are “bad” or not bro. The issue is the system. And it’s not a matter of morality. I don’t give a fuck if it’s “evil” or “good”. Even in a perfect capitalist world where all companies were “fair”something, we would still be destroying the planet with climate change and exploiting the labour of people in the third-world.

          And who cares about “perfect”? I only care about meaningful change that helps not destroy the planet. Buying a fairphone is not it.

          The only thing that will help is a fucking revolution. So the BEST thing any of us can do is to radicalise those around us and organize.

          • @onlinepersona
            39 months ago

            The only thing that will help is a fucking revolution. So the BEST thing any of us can do is to radicalise those around us and organize.

            First you need to know what kind of a system you’d want. Second, revolution is a big big goal. Small steps.

            I only care about meaningful change that helps not destroy the planet. Buying a fairphone is not it.

            And buying Apple is? Fairphone is trying to do something good. Their entire goal is to try to do good. Apple is just out here making fat stacks with “good” being more stacks. They pretend they’re pro-privacy, pro-climate, pro-whatever, but it’s all bullshit.

            CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

            • @[email protected]
              69 months ago

              You are very naive if you think fairphone is trying to “do good”. They are, like every single corporation under capitalism, trying to make a profit. They found a niche and are carving their market share within it. If they could, they would become Apple. If you don’t think so, again, you’re being naive.

              • @onlinepersona
                19 months ago

                kekw, says the dude talking about revolution and overthrowing the capitalist system.

                look in the mirror

                CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

                • @[email protected]
                  39 months ago

                  Cause capitalism was born with the Big Bang and will die with the heat death of the universe right buddy? Lmao.

          • @moomoomoo309
            28 months ago

            I think that is a useless mental model. It doesn’t help you make decisions except those that lead to revolution. The person you’re replying to is trying to point that out. If I want to buy a phone, which should I buy? Your rhetoric says “whichever one will lead to revolution”, which really isn’t helpful.

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              I don’t think you understood me. What I mean is “which product do I consume under capitalism” is a useless question. No consumption under capitalism will lead to a better world. Buying from fairphone or apple will make 0 difference to what actually matters.

              Revolution is not a state of consumption. And surviving under capitalism won’t make revolution less likely either. So it’s a false dichotomy. Buying apple instead of fairphone won’t make a revolution less likely.

              • @moomoomoo309
                8 months ago

                Yes, but you, who I assume follow this mindset, do buy things under capitalism, since you must in order to live. How, then, do you decide?

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  I buy what I believe will be best for me. I don’t feel bad to buy from x company instead of y. I just buy it and don’t give a fuck.

                  I am VERY aware that my individual consumption actions will have 0 impact on anything.