• @[email protected]
    198 months ago

    The reason they need to be spayed and neutered instead of outright killed is because culls don’t really work on animals that reproduce that quickly. Whenever a spot opens up for another cat to make its territory, it gets immediately claimed. There are a ton of research papers that show spaying and neutering is more effective at lowering stray populations, and that euthanization is more costly on top of being less effective.

    • @UndercoverUlrikHD
      8 months ago

      I was talking about the cats that are kept as pets, not stray cats. I guess it varies from country to country, but most cats walking around outside in Norway are pets (~90%). Reducing the stray cat population to zero wouldn’t fix the issue of cats killing all the small wildlife unless pet cats are also kept inside.

      I wasn’t saying anything against neutering cats.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        If the cat never exits the home then idgaf honestly, but if it escapes then it should be eliminated in the most effective way possible. That is my stance, an unattended cat is a stray for all intents and purposes.

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          Wow that’s cruel. Someone’s cat gets loose, they can’t find it yet, and you think it should be killed. Good job killing Fluffy because he escaped.

          • @[email protected]
            -38 months ago

            But letting it slaughter little birds is not cruel, somehow? A manmade pest with no beneficial role to nature is somehow much better to you than functioning ecosystems? If a cat gets out, the owner has made a mistake and will now deal with the consequences.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              You mean allowing those cats to follow their instinct doesn’t compare to a human making a rational decision to straight up kill someones cat because they slipped through a door?

              Who would have thought?

              Do you also kill your spouse when they eat a steak?

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                No, because as a Human I don’t have any authority to weigh the value of other Humans, but we do have that right and in fact the responsibility over Cats which exist in absurd numbers everywhere as a result of human incompetence. Your cat should never escape if you’re responsible, and if it does then I hope you can catch it before it causes any harm and is exterminated.

    • Ann Archy
      38 months ago

      I’d say we take this one step further and declaw, spay, neuter, and keep a lot of people on a leash.