Decided to lean into a no Windows setup, including for gaming. I’ve swapped over from X on the basis that I’ll be using a 7900 XTX, and wanted to spend some time preparing a Wayland setup to reduce configuration time on the desktop.

Dots are on GitHub, but I haven’t had the chance to rewrite the readme yet; the current tooling is as follows:

  • WM/Compositor: Hyprland, using XWayland USE flags for certain items (discord, obsidian)
  • Term: foot
  • Media: mpv
  • Code/notes: nvim using lazy.nvim, hooks into
  • Files: ranger

What surprised me the most is that gestures worked out of the box which has been incredible. I just picked up an apple trackpad for the desktop as well, which works out of the box as expected.

Edit: - again, take readme with a grain of salt as a number of items have been updated vs what is checked into configs.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    It’s useful to switch most stuff out of xwayland as some stuff just doesn’t work in it (screen sharing, DnD is kinda broken, etc.)

    • @mainframegremlin
      21 year ago

      Great points - I’ve heard of the screen sharing issue and the workarounds sound like a major pain. Will definitely give this a spin this weekend. Good looks!