Well, as a guy, I’ve been asked multiple times why I systematically play games female characters in video games, to the point of skipping a game if I’m forced to pay a male one, with a few exceptions (I really liked Albus from Troubleshooters for example). Whenever there’s romance in a game, I’ll also take the F/F route. Yet, I don’t think I fetishize those in general. There’s a thing about not liking most M characters in games, but also something about playing someone really different from who I am. We’ve had an interesting conversation about this with my gf who always plays F characters and woyd never play M.

Although I’m a straight guy, I’ve always more identified to female friends and characters, although I have a few male friends too. So I’m wondering who else does that (playing a character not matching your gender), and if you found your own explanation.

Edit : It’s not really an oversexualization drive for me, I try to play a female character that looks like me, even though I’ve never thought about actually becoming a woman.

Edit 2 : So far, I think we have, hmm…

  1. Playing someone that differs from one’s irl identity
  2. Physical Attractivity
  3. Male character writing and design
  4. Lara Croft effect
  5. Lady Dwarf
  • GTG3000
    11 months ago

    Depends if the game refers to the character as “you” or “them”. Used to always make female characters since they’re nicer to look at, up until games started actually taking that into consideration.

    Nothing quite like being called a girl to reassure you that you’re not an egg :P

    edit: and of course if the game doesn’t offer options I don’t care.