Dot Hop launched today on steam! It has some challenging grid puzzles that I think folks will find satisfying.

This game started as a puzzlescript game for the Fediverse Summer Jam hosted by the p.d community - I reimplemented it in Godot, added themes and many more puzzles, and finally released it last night/this morning.

The game’s source is available on github and it can be purchased on steam and on

Hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think!

  • @[email protected]
    74 months ago

    This is exactly why I’m going to buy the game. Having the ability to play a game and follow the code will help me understand game development more! Cheers!

    • russOP
      44 months ago

      Excellent! Let me know if you have any questions!

      I’m working on some devlogs that will share parts of the implementation - I’m happy to dig into whatever directions are useful