• Tar_Alcaran
    1094 months ago

    Holy crap, it’s actually true.

    The quote, when talking about the carrier Gerald R. Ford (which does not have magnetic elevators, btw).

    They had almost a billion dollar cost over on the magnetic elevators. Think of it, magnets. Now all I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets. Why didn’t they use John Deere? Why didn’t they bring in the John Deere people? Do you like John Deere? I like John Deere

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Even if we pretended that quote were coherent and read what he intended (criticizing the electromagnetic catapults, not elevators) instead of what he actually said… he wants a fucking tractor company to work on them? John Deere knows fuck-all about high-tech linear induction motors; even under the most charitable interpretation possible his position is still asinine and nonsensical!

      Edit: I don’t know why I’m even surprised by this. I guess it’s just, of all companies he could’ve pulled out of his ass, John fucking Deere?! That’s a weird random choice even for him.

      • @[email protected]
        214 months ago

        Well we’ve all seen the man struggle with a glass of water. Trump v Water Glass is a tough match. Also, he was campaigning in Iowa at the time. Anyone at that rally that wasn’t wearing a MAGA hat was wearing a John Deere one. Similar to the “man, woman, person, camera” incident. It’s a short trip from eyes to mouth with this one.

    • AggressivelyPassive
      324 months ago

      This sounds more like an attempt to win a rural crowd and play with their “enginear stoopid, farmer smat” sentiment.

      • @dudinax
        244 months ago

        Farmers don’t give a crap about carrier catapults, and half of them know more about magnets the he does.

        Someone got paid to convince him to oppose magnets and managed to do it with really stupid arguments.

        He now repeats these arguments without thinking about it because it gets cheers from equally dumb rubes in his audience.

        • @vrek
          254 months ago

          It depends… Also a different skill set.

          If I’m asking about proper crop rotation to keep a high nitrogen level in my soil… I’m absolutely going to a farmer.

          If I need a database to store crop yields and sales… I’m absolutely going to a software engineer.

          If I’m looking for how to reset my forearm after I broke it snow boarding… I’m absolutely going to a doctor.

          If I’m looking for how to make a desk from reclaimed old natural wood… I’m absolutely going to a carpenter.

          Everyone has skills, one profession is not smarter than another. Each profession is smart in what they are trained or experienced in.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      Sounds like he confused magnets for cotton candy. Easy mistake, as both can stick to certain things. Why are people blowing this out of proportion? We all know what he really meant.