• Rusty Shackleford
    3 months ago

    I know I should just look this up, but I’ll ask anyway.

    Back in 2013, in grad school, I remember we used Objective C for iOS and Java for Android. Can I still build compatible apk’s and iOS packages using these older language choices respectively for modern mobile OS’s or am I a dinosaur and need to get with the times (swift and kotlin)?

    • @roanutil_
      3 months ago

      For iOS you can still use Objective C, but there are additions to platform frameworks and whole new frameworks that are Swift first. I don’t really know how hard it would be to use those APIs from Objective C. Swift is certainly the default going forward.

      I don’t work on Android but my understanding is that Java hasn’t and isn’t going anywhere on Android. Kotlin is supposed to be great but I haven’t heard mention of Java being dropped.

      • @Hammerheart
        33 months ago

        Not dropped, but google has suggested all new android projects be done with Kotlin instead