The jank is kind of severe, but I like what they’re trying to do. Still, I keep meaning to make a bug report, because I cant right click on the tab bare without the browser crashing more than half the time.
short variable names, and the only vowel is ‘i’
Rust is a psyop
I think the default mod key is the ‘super’ key (formerly known as the windows key). It might be alt actually, I don’t remember. Super + 1-9 switches between workspaces, which hold your windows. Shift + super + 1-9 moves a window to another workspace. you can find more key bindings by viewing $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sway/config (or wherever config files go on your system).
I think those are more interesting. I like seeing the process.
That’s kindeof poetic tbh
(Part 1) omg I can’t believe this actually worked first try!
with open('input') as data:
parts ="\n\n")
ordering_rules = parts[0].split("\n")
updates = parts[1].split("\n")
correct_updates = []
middle_updates = []
def find_relevant_rules(pg_num: str, rules: list[str]) -> list[str] | None:
for rule in rules:
return list(filter(lambda x: x.split("|")[0] == pg_num, rules))
def interpret_rule(rule: str) -> list[str]:
return rule.split("|")
def interpret_update(update: str) -> list[str]:
return update.split(",")
def find_middle_update_index(update: list[str]) -> int:
num_of_elements = len(update)
return num_of_elements // 2
for update in updates:
is_correct = True
for i, page in enumerate(interpret_update(update)):
rules_to_check = find_relevant_rules(page, ordering_rules)
for rule in rules_to_check:
if rule.split("|")[1] in interpret_update(update)[:i]:
is_correct = False
if is_correct:
for update in correct_updates:
split_update = update.split(",")
Part 1:
with open('input') as data:
lines = [l.strip() for l in data.readlines()]
# Remove empty line
class Result():
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
def analyze_lines(lines: list[str]):
ans.count += get_rights(lines)
ans.count += get_ups(lines)
ans.count += get_downs(lines)
ans.count += get_down_rights(lines)
ans.count += get_down_lefts(lines)
ans.count += get_up_lefts(lines)
ans.count += get_up_rights(lines)
for line in lines:
ans.count += get_lefts(line)
def get_ups(lines: list[str]) -> int:
up_count = 0
for i_l, line in enumerate(lines):
result = ""
if i_l < 3:
for i_c, char in enumerate(line):
if char == "X":
result = char
result += "".join([lines[i_l - n][i_c] for n in range(1, 4)])
if result == "XMAS":
up_count += 1
result = ""
return up_count
def get_downs(lines: list[str]) -> int:
down_count = 0
for i_l, l in enumerate(lines):
result = ""
for i_c, c in enumerate(l):
if c == "X":
result += c
result += "".join([lines[i_l + n][i_c] for n in range(1, 4)])
except IndexError:
result = ""
if result == "XMAS":
down_count += 1
result = ""
return down_count
def get_lefts(line: str) -> int:
left_count = 0
for i, char in enumerate(line):
if i < 3:
elif char == "X" and line[i-1] == "M" and line[i-2] == "A" and line[i-3] == "S":
left_count += 1
return left_count
def get_rights(lines: list[str]) -> int:
right_counts = 0
for l in lines:
right_counts += l.count("XMAS")
return right_counts
def get_down_rights(lines: list[str]) -> int:
down_right_count = 0
for i_l, l in enumerate(lines):
result = ""
for i_c, c in enumerate(l):
if c == "X":
result += c
result += "".join(
[lines[i_l + n][i_c + n] for n in range(1,4)]
except IndexError:
result = ""
if result == "XMAS":
down_right_count += 1
result = ""
return down_right_count
def get_down_lefts(lines: list[str]) -> int:
down_left_count = 0
for i_l, l in enumerate(lines):
result = ""
for i_c, c in enumerate(l):
if i_c < 3:
if c == "X":
result += c
result += "".join(
[lines[i_l + n][i_c - n] for n in range(1,4)]
except IndexError:
result = ""
if result == "XMAS":
down_left_count += 1
result = ""
return down_left_count
def get_up_rights(lines: list[str]) -> int:
up_right_count = 0
for i_l, l in enumerate(lines):
result = ""
if i_l < 3:
for i_c, c in enumerate(l):
if c == "X":
result += c
result += "".join(
[lines[i_l - n][i_c + n] for n in range(1,4)]
except IndexError:
result = ""
if result == "XMAS":
up_right_count += 1
result = ""
return up_right_count
def get_up_lefts(lines: list[str]) -> int:
up_left_count = 0
for i_l, l in enumerate(lines):
result = ""
if i_l < 3:
for i_c, c in enumerate(l):
if i_c < 3:
if c == "X":
result = c
result += "".join(
[lines[i_l - n][i_c - n] for n in range(1,4)]
except IndexError as e:
result = ""
if result == "XMAS":
up_left_count += 1
result = ""
return up_left_count
ans = Result()
Part 2:
with open('input') as data:
lines = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', [l.strip() for l in data.readlines()]))
xmases = 0
for i in range(1, len(lines)):
for j in range(1, len(lines[i])):
if lines[i][j] == "A":
up_back = lines[i-1][j-1]
down_over = lines[i+1][j+1]
up_over = lines[i-1][j+1]
down_back = lines[i+1][j-1]
except IndexError:
if {up_back, down_over} == set("MS") and {up_over, down_back} == set("MS"):
xmases += 1
I actually found part two A LOT easier than part 1.
My first insinct was similar, add line breaks to the do and dont modifiers. But I got toa caught up thinking id have to keep track of the added characters, I wound up just abusing split()-
I did part 2 live with the python interactive shell. I deleted all the stuff where I was just exploring ideas.
part 1:
import re
def multiply_and_add(data: "str") -> int:
digit_matches = re.findall(r"mul\(\d{0,3},\d{0,3}\)", data)
result = 0
for _ in digit_matches:
first = _.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",")[0]
second = _.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",")[1]
result += int(first) * int(second)
return result
with open("input") as file:
data =
answer = multiply_and_add(data)
part 2:
Python 3.11.2 (main, Aug 26 2024, 07:20:54) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import solution2
<re.Match object; span=(647, 651), match='do()'>
>>> from solution2 import *
>>> split_on_dont = data.split("don't()")
>>> valid = []
>>> valid.append(split_on_dont[0])
>>> for substring in split_on_dont[1:]:
... subsubstrings = substring.split("do()", maxsplit=1)
... for subsubstring in subsubstrings[1:]:
... valid.append(subsubstring)
>>> answer = 0
>>> for _ in valid:
... answer += multiply_and_add(_)
>>> answer
this took me so fucking long and in the end i just went for brute force anyway. there are still remnants of some of previous, overly complicated, failed attempts, like the hideous global removed
. In the end, I realized I was fucking up by using remove() instead of pop(), it was causing cases with duplicates where the removal of one would yield a safe result to count as unsafe.
def is_safe(report: list[int]) -> bool:
global removed
acceptable_range = [_ for _ in range(-3,4) if _ != 0]
diffs = []
if any([report.count(x) > 2 for x in report]):
return False
for i, num in enumerate(report[:-1]):
cur = num
next = report[i+1]
difference = cur - next
if difference not in acceptable_range:
return False
if len(diffs) > 1:
if diffs[-1] * diffs[-2] <= 0:
return False
return True
with open('input') as reports:
list_of_reports = reports.readlines()[:-1]
count = 0
failed_first_pass = []
failed_twice = []
for reportsub in list_of_reports:
levels = [int(l) for l in reportsub.split()]
original = levels.copy()
if is_safe(levels):
safe = True
count += 1
for report in failed_first_pass:
working_copy = report.copy()
for i in range(len(report)):
safe = False
print("checking", working_copy)
if is_safe(working_copy):
count += 1
safe = True
working_copy = report.copy()
I like that, might try it myself, since I actually use those keys, but never wanted to jump to the highest or lowest visible line. Closest I get is gg and G.
I fucking love halloween. If this is true, it’s one of the few redeeming aspects of USA culture.
Because it’s not downloading, which is the thing every one thinks is normal. It’s different, and potentially dangerous, which your phone will remind you any time you try to do it.
Removed by mod
thank you! your command worked like a charm once i prepended it with exec. i even added a final command taking me back to workspace 1. tested it with exec_always and it seems to be good, crossing fingers it will actually work on boot.
maybe you can answer another question for me: is the config file executed asynchronously? What i mean is, does it run through each line, or is there a chance that, say, line 25 might execute before line 13?