The University of Pennsylvania offers a free series of books called Software Foundations with the following description:
The Software Foundations series is a broad introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software.
The principal novelty of the series is that every detail is one hundred percent formalized and machine-checked: the entire text of each volume, including the exercises, is literally a “proof script” for the Coq proof assistant.
The series includes Verifiable C, which seems very appealing as a way to avoid some of C’s infamous “footguns.” I haven’t read the series myself, but I might in the future because I like math, logic & programs that do what they’re supposed to do.
Are there any materials that would be good as alternatives or complements to this series?
Edit: Adding the Vercors Wiki to the resources in this thread
The Software Engineering Handbook PDF appears to just be a single page with a broken link on it; is there an archive for the document that’s supposed to be there?
That’s kindeof poetic tbh
Sorry about that, I’m seeing the same. Here’s the site linked from the Internet Archive
Would this be a consequence of the Project 2025 federal purge?
I was just checking the archives and all captures seem to work that I checked until now. Wondering if they’re moving it to WordPress. /s