I’m looking at buying a couple of EAP 225s to provide outdoor coverage for two houuses about 15 meters apart - But I haven’t been able to confirm how much memory or The CPU it uses to determine if it would meet my needs. I’m looking to run a few Wireguard connections to route traffic through some other gateways as well as proving WAN access for approx five people. Would want to provide captive portals for visitors and some age related content filtering of Internet access for selected devices.

  • towerful
    1 year ago

    TP link is more meant for omada control, isnt it (like unifi, but by tp link and a bit cheaper).
    Mikrotik do outdoor APs, 4 core 32 bit arm w/ 128mb ram ( https://mikrotik.com/product/wap_ac )
    Probably not enough to run captive portals, content filtering, wireguard etc. tho.

    Wouldnt you be better centralising that onto something designed to do it?
    Seems like something more for opnsense (or a central openWRT, seeing as thats the community) on a fanless server, a few managed switches and a few APs

    • abeorch@lemmy.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Im trying to keep on site install as simple as possible to provide simple battery UPS and minimise site visits as its very (think other side of the world) far away. My idea was to try to pack everything into one unit. (Plus a Starlink uplink).