Just because Exercism doesn’t offer your favorite language as an official track, it doesn’t mean we can’t play at all. Post some solutions to the weekly challenges in the language of your choice!

  • @AndyOPM
    23 months ago
    Scrabble Score, a third time
    USING: assocs.extras kernel make sequences unicode ;
    : scrabble-score ( str -- n )
        "AEIOULNRST" [  1 swap ,, ] each
                "DG" [  2 swap ,, ] each
              "BCMP" [  3 swap ,, ] each
             "FHVWY" [  4 swap ,, ] each
                 "K" [  5 swap ,, ] each
                "JX" [  8 swap ,, ] each
                "QZ" [ 10 swap ,, ] each
      ] H{ } make
      swap values-of sum ;
    • @AndyOPM
      23 months ago
      Scrabble Score, 3.5
      USING: assocs.extras kernel literals make sequences unicode ;
      CONSTANT: charscores $[
          "AEIOULNRST" [  1 swap ,, ] each
                  "DG" [  2 swap ,, ] each
                "BCMP" [  3 swap ,, ] each
               "FHVWY" [  4 swap ,, ] each
                   "K" [  5 swap ,, ] each
                  "JX" [  8 swap ,, ] each
                  "QZ" [ 10 swap ,, ] each
        ] H{ } make
      : scrabble-score ( str -- n )
        charscores swap >upper values-of sum ;
      • @AndyOPM
        12 months ago
        Scrabble Score 4.0
        USING: assocs.extras kernel literals make sequences unicode ;
        CONSTANT: charscores $[
            { 1 2 3 4 5 8 10 }
            { "AEIOULNRST" "DG" "BCMP" "FHVWY" "K" "JX" "QZ" }
            [ [ ,, ] with each ] 2each
          ] H{ } make
        : scrabble-score ( str -- n )
          charscores swap >upper values-of sum ;