• 137 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • A bit from the readme appreciating concatenative programming:

    The Joy language introduced concatenative functional programming. This generally means a stack based virtual machine, and a program consisting of words which are functions taking an input stack and returning an output stack. The natural syntax that results is postfix. Over a very long time I have come to feel that syntax gets in between me and the power in a language. Postfix is the least syntax possible.

    There are several reasons I like the concatenative style of programming:

    • Function composition is concatenation.

    • Pipelining values through functions to get new values is the most natural idiom.

    • Functions are applied from left to right instead of inside out.

    • Support for multiple return values comes for free.

    • No need for operator precedence.

    • Fewer delimiters are required:

      • Parentheses are not needed to control operator precedence.
      • Semicolons are not needed to separate statements.
      • Commas are not needed to separate arguments.

    (Note: Sapf is inspired by, but is not purely a concatenative language because it has lexical variables.)

    When I am programming interactively, I most often find myself in the situation where I have a value and I want to transform it to something else. The thing to do is apply a function with some parameters. With concatenative programming this is very natural. You string along several words and get a new value.

  • It’s been a while, but my clumsy adding of a comment to the buffer is unnecessary, given zle -M, which will display a message outside of the buffer. So here’s an updated version:

    # -- Run input if single line, otherwise insert newline --
    # Key: enter
    # Credit: https://programming.dev/comment/2479198
    .zle_accept-except-multiline () {
      if [[ $BUFFER != *$'\n'* ]] {
        zle .accept-line
      } else {
        zle .self-insert-unmeta
        zle -M 'Use alt+enter to submit this multiline input'
    zle -N       .zle_accept-except-multiline
    bindkey '^M' .zle_accept-except-multiline  # Enter
    # -- Run input if multiline, otherwise insert newline --
    # Key: alt+enter
    # Credit: https://programming.dev/comment/2479198
    .zle_accept-only-multiline () {
      if [[ $BUFFER == *$'\n'* ]] {
        zle .accept-line
      } else {
        zle .self-insert-unmeta
    zle -N         .zle_accept-only-multiline
    bindkey '^[^M' .zle_accept-only-multiline  # Enter

  • The given Uiua example (mercifully given using words rather than the symbols):

    [3 4 5 10 23]
    divide length on /+

    For all the talk about “forward” it’s uncomfortable to me how the Uiua evaluation within a line happens backward.

    An equivalent in Factor, where keep is close to on:

    { 3 4 5 10 23 }
    [ sum ] keep length /

    But this pattern of doing two things in sequence to the same item is common enough that bi is handy:

    { 3 4 5 10 23 }
    [ sum ] [ length ] bi /

  • Day 6

    : get-input ( -- rows )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/06/input.txt" utf8 file-lines ;
    : all-locations ( rows -- pairs )
      dimension <coordinate-matrix> concat ;
    : guard-location ( rows -- pair )
      [ all-locations ] keep
      '[ _ matrix-nth "<>^v" in? ] find nip ;
    TUPLE: state location char ;
    C: <state> state
    : guard-state ( rows -- state )
      [ guard-location ]
      [ dupd matrix-nth ] bi <state> ;
    : faced-location ( state -- pair )
      [ char>> H{
        { CHAR: > { 0 1 } }
        { CHAR: v { 1 0 } }
        { CHAR: < { 0 -1 } }
        { CHAR: ^ { -1 0 } }
      } at ] [ location>> ] bi v+ ;
    : off-grid? ( rows location -- ? )
      [ dimension ] dip
      [ v<= vany? ] keep
      { 0 0 } v< vany? or ;
    : turn ( state -- state' )
      [ location>> ] [ char>> ] bi
        { CHAR: > CHAR: v }
        { CHAR: v CHAR: < }
        { CHAR: < CHAR: ^ }
        { CHAR: ^ CHAR: > }
      } at <state> ;
    : obstacle? ( rows location -- ? )
      swap matrix-nth CHAR: # = ;
    : guard-step ( rows state -- state' )
      swap over faced-location
        { [ 2dup off-grid? ] [ 2nip f <state> ] }
        { [ [ obstacle? ] keep-under ] [ drop turn ] }
        [ swap char>> <state> ]
      } cond ;
    : walk-out ( rows state -- trail )
        [ 2dup location>> off-grid? ] [
          dup location>> ,
          dupd guard-step
        ] until
      ] { } make 2nip ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      get-input dup guard-state walk-out cardinality ;
    : (walk-loops?) ( visited rows state -- looped? )
      dupd guard-step
      2dup location>> off-grid? [ 3drop f ] [
        pick dupd in? [ 3drop t ] [
          pick dupd adjoin (walk-loops?)
        ] if
      ] if ;
    : walk-loops? ( rows -- looped? )
      dup guard-state
      [ HS{ } clone ] 2dip
      pick dupd adjoin (walk-loops?) ;
    : obstacle-candidates ( rows -- pairs )
      [ guard-location ]
      [ dup guard-state walk-out members ] bi remove ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      get-input dup obstacle-candidates
      [ CHAR: # spin deep-clone [ matrix-set-nth ] keep walk-loops? ] with count ;

  • Factor

    TUPLE: equation value numbers ;
    C: <equation> equation
    : get-input ( -- equations )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/07/input.txt" utf8 file-lines [
        split-words unclip but-last string>number
        swap [ string>number ] map <equation>
      ] map ;
    : possible-quotations ( funcs numbers -- quots )
      dup length 1 -
      swapd all-selections
      [ unclip swap ] dip
      [ zip concat ] with map
      swap '[ _ prefix >quotation ] map ;
    : possibly-true? ( funcs equation -- ? )
      [ numbers>> possible-quotations ] [ value>> ] bi
      '[ call( -- n ) _ = ] any? ;
    : solve ( funcs -- n )
      [ possibly-true? ] with filter
      [ value>> ] map-sum ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      { + * } solve ;
    : _|| ( m n -- mn )
      [ number>string ] bi@ append string>number ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      { + * _|| } solve ;

  • AndytoAdvent Of Code💂 - 2024 DAY 6 SOLUTIONS - 💂
    4 months ago


    : get-input ( -- rows )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/06/input.txt" utf8 file-lines ;
    : all-locations ( rows -- pairs )
      dimension <coordinate-matrix> concat ;
    : guard-location ( rows -- pair )
      [ all-locations ] keep
      '[ _ matrix-nth "<>^v" in? ] find nip ;
    TUPLE: state location char ;
    C: <state> state
    : guard-state ( rows -- state )
      [ guard-location ]
      [ dupd matrix-nth ] bi <state> ;
    : faced-location ( state -- pair )
      [ char>> H{
        { CHAR: > { 0 1 } }
        { CHAR: v { 1 0 } }
        { CHAR: < { 0 -1 } }
        { CHAR: ^ { -1 0 } }
      } at ] [ location>> ] bi v+ ;
    : off-grid? ( rows location -- ? )
      [ dimension ] dip
      [ v<= vany? ] keep
      { 0 0 } v< vany? or ;
    : turn ( state -- state' )
      [ location>> ] [ char>> ] bi
        { CHAR: > CHAR: v }
        { CHAR: v CHAR: < }
        { CHAR: < CHAR: ^ }
        { CHAR: ^ CHAR: > }
      } at <state> ;
    : obstacle? ( rows location -- ? )
      swap matrix-nth CHAR: # = ;
    : guard-step ( rows state -- state' )
      swap over faced-location
        { [ 2dup off-grid? ] [ 2nip f <state> ] }
        { [ [ obstacle? ] keep-under ] [ drop turn ] }
        [ swap char>> <state> ]
      } cond ;
    : walk-out ( rows state -- trail )
        [ 2dup location>> off-grid? ] [
          dup location>> ,
          dupd guard-step
        ] until
      ] { } make 2nip ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      get-input dup guard-state walk-out cardinality ;
    : (walk-loops?) ( visited rows state -- looped? )
      dupd guard-step
      2dup location>> off-grid? [ 3drop f ] [
        pick dupd in? [ 3drop t ] [
          pick dupd adjoin (walk-loops?)
        ] if
      ] if ;
    : walk-loops? ( rows -- looped? )
      dup guard-state
      [ HS{ } clone ] 2dip
      pick dupd adjoin (walk-loops?) ;
    : obstacle-candidates ( rows -- pairs )
      [ guard-location ]
      [ dup guard-state walk-out members ] bi remove ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      get-input dup obstacle-candidates
      [ CHAR: # spin deep-clone [ matrix-set-nth ] keep walk-loops? ] with count ;

  • Day 5

    : get-input ( -- rules updates )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/05/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
      { "" } split1
      "|" "," [ '[ [ _ split ] map ] ] bi@ bi* ;
    : relevant-rules ( rules update -- rules' )
      '[ [ _ in? ] all? ] filter ;
    : compliant? ( rules update -- ? )
      [ relevant-rules ] keep-under
      [ [ index* ] with map first2 < ] with all? ;
    : middle-number ( update -- n )
      dup length 2 /i nth-of string>number ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      [ compliant? ] with
      [ middle-number ] filter-map sum ;
    : compare-pages ( rules page1 page2 -- <=> )
      [ 2array relevant-rules ] keep-under
      [ drop +eq+ ] [ first index zero? +gt+ +lt+ ? ] if-empty ;
    : correct-update ( rules update -- update' )
      [ swapd compare-pages ] with sort-with ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      get-input dupd
      [ compliant? ] with reject
      [ correct-update middle-number ] with map-sum ;

    on GitHub

  • Factor

    : get-input ( -- rules updates )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/05/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
      { "" } split1
      "|" "," [ '[ [ _ split ] map ] ] bi@ bi* ;
    : relevant-rules ( rules update -- rules' )
      '[ [ _ in? ] all? ] filter ;
    : compliant? ( rules update -- ? )
      [ relevant-rules ] keep-under
      [ [ index* ] with map first2 < ] with all? ;
    : middle-number ( update -- n )
      dup length 2 /i nth-of string>number ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      [ compliant? ] with
      [ middle-number ] filter-map sum ;
    : compare-pages ( rules page1 page2 -- <=> )
      [ 2array relevant-rules ] keep-under
      [ drop +eq+ ] [ first index zero? +gt+ +lt+ ? ] if-empty ;
    : correct-update ( rules update -- update' )
      [ swapd compare-pages ] with sort-with ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      get-input dupd
      [ compliant? ] with reject
      [ correct-update middle-number ] with map-sum ;

    on GitHub

  • AndytoAdvent Of Code🌚 - 2024 DAY 4 SOLUTIONS - 🌚
    4 months ago


    : get-input ( -- rows )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/04/input.txt" utf8 file-lines ;
    : verticals ( rows -- lines )
      [ dimension last [0..b) ] keep cols ;
    : slash-origins ( rows -- coords )
      [ first [0..b) [ 0 2array ] map ] [
        first2 [ 1 - ] [ 1 (a..b] ] bi*
        [ 2array ] with map
      ] bi append ;
    : backslash-origins ( rows -- coords )
      dimension first2
      [ [0..b) [ 0 2array ] map ]
      [ 1 (a..b] [ 0 swap 2array ] map ] bi* append ;
    : slash ( rows origin -- line )
      [ 0 [a..b] ]
      [ pick dimension last [a..b) ] bi* zip
      swap matrix-nths ;
    : backslash ( rows origin -- line )
      [ dup dimension ] dip first2
      [ over first [a..b) ]
      [ pick last [a..b) ] bi* zip nip
      swap matrix-nths ;
    : slashes ( rows -- lines )
      dup slash-origins
      [ slash ] with map ;
    : backslashes ( rows -- lines )
      dup backslash-origins
      [ backslash ] with map ;
    : word-count ( line word -- n )
      dupd [ reverse ] dip
      '[ _ subseq-indices length ] bi@ + ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      { [ ] [ verticals ] [ slashes ] [ backslashes ] } cleave-array concat
      [ "XMAS" word-count ] map-sum ;
    : origin-adistances ( rows origins line-quot: ( rows origin -- line ) -- origin-adistances-assoc )
      with zip-with
      "MAS" "SAM" [ '[ [ _ subseq-indices ] map-values ] ] bi@ bi append
      [ [ 1 + ] map ] map-values ; inline
    : a-coords ( origin-adistances coord-quot: ( adistance -- row-delta col-delta ) -- coords )
      '[ first2 [ @ 2array v+ ] with map ] map-concat ; inline
    : slash-a-coords ( rows -- coords )
      dup slash-origins [ slash ] origin-adistances
      [ [ 0 swap - ] keep ] a-coords ;
    : backslash-a-coords ( rows -- coords )
      dup backslash-origins [ backslash ] origin-adistances
      [ dup ] a-coords ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      get-input [ slash-a-coords ] [ backslash-a-coords ] bi
      intersect length ;

    Better viewed on GitHub.

  • Day 4

    : get-input ( -- rows )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/04/input.txt" utf8 file-lines ;
    : verticals ( rows -- lines )
      [ dimension last [0..b) ] keep cols ;
    : slash-origins ( rows -- coords )
      [ first [0..b) [ 0 2array ] map ] [
        first2 [ 1 - ] [ 1 (a..b] ] bi*
        [ 2array ] with map
      ] bi append ;
    : backslash-origins ( rows -- coords )
      dimension first2
      [ [0..b) [ 0 2array ] map ]
      [ 1 (a..b] [ 0 swap 2array ] map ] bi* append ;
    : slash ( rows origin -- line )
      [ 0 [a..b] ]
      [ pick dimension last [a..b) ] bi* zip
      swap matrix-nths ;
    : backslash ( rows origin -- line )
      [ dup dimension ] dip first2
      [ over first [a..b) ]
      [ pick last [a..b) ] bi* zip nip
      swap matrix-nths ;
    : slashes ( rows -- lines )
      dup slash-origins
      [ slash ] with map ;
    : backslashes ( rows -- lines )
      dup backslash-origins
      [ backslash ] with map ;
    : word-count ( line word -- n )
      dupd [ reverse ] dip
      '[ _ subseq-indices length ] bi@ + ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      { [ ] [ verticals ] [ slashes ] [ backslashes ] } cleave-array concat
      [ "XMAS" word-count ] map-sum ;
    : origin-adistances ( rows origins line-quot: ( rows origin -- line ) -- origin-adistances-assoc )
      with zip-with
      "MAS" "SAM" [ '[ [ _ subseq-indices ] map-values ] ] bi@ bi append
      [ [ 1 + ] map ] map-values ; inline
    : a-coords ( origin-adistances coord-quot: ( adistance -- row-delta col-delta ) -- coords )
      '[ first2 [ @ 2array v+ ] with map ] map-concat ; inline
    : slash-a-coords ( rows -- coords )
      dup slash-origins [ slash ] origin-adistances
      [ [ 0 swap - ] keep ] a-coords ;
    : backslash-a-coords ( rows -- coords )
      dup backslash-origins [ backslash ] origin-adistances
      [ dup ] a-coords ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      get-input [ slash-a-coords ] [ backslash-a-coords ] bi
      intersect length ;

    Better viewed on GitHub

  • AndytoAdvent Of Code🍷 - 2024 DAY 3 SOLUTIONS -🍷
    4 months ago


    : get-input ( -- corrupted-input )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/03/input.txt" utf8 file-contents ;
    : get-muls ( corrupted-input -- instructions )
      R/ mul\(\d+,\d+\)/ all-matching-subseqs ;
    : process-mul ( instruction -- n )
      R/ \d+/ all-matching-subseqs
      [ string>number ] map-product ;
    : solve ( corrupted-input -- n )
      get-muls [ process-mul ] map-sum ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      get-input solve ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      R/ don't\(\)(.|\n)*?do\(\)/ split concat
      R/ don't\(\)(.|\n)*/ "" re-replace
      solve ;

  • AndytoAdvent Of Code🦌 - 2024 DAY 2 SOLUTIONS -🦌
    4 months ago


    : get-input ( -- reports )
      "vocab:aoc-2024/02/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
      [ split-words [ string>number ] map ] map ;
    : slanted? ( report -- ? )
      { [ [ > ] monotonic? ] [ [ < ] monotonic? ] } || ;
    : gradual? ( report -- ? )
      [ - abs 1 3 between? ] monotonic? ;
    : safe? ( report -- ? )
      { [ slanted? ] [ gradual? ] } && ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      get-input [ safe? ] count ;
    : fuzzy-reports ( report -- reports )
      dup length <iota> [ remove-nth-of ] with map ;
    : tolerable? ( report -- ? )
      { [ safe? ] [ fuzzy-reports [ safe? ] any? ] } || ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      get-input [ tolerable? ] count ;

  • Day 3

    : get-input ( -- corrupted-input )
      "aoc-2024.03" "input.txt" vocab-file-path utf8 file-contents ;
    : get-muls ( corrupted-input -- instructions )
      R/ mul\(\d+,\d+\)/ all-matching-subseqs ;
    : process-mul ( instruction -- n )
      R/ \d+/ all-matching-subseqs
      [ string>number ] map-product ;
    : solve ( corrupted-input -- n )
      get-muls [ process-mul ] map-sum ;
    : part1 ( -- n )
      get-input solve ;
    : part2 ( -- n )
      R/ don't\(\)(.|\n)*?do\(\)/ split concat
      R/ don't\(\)(.|\n)*/ "" re-replace
      solve ;



    code above as colorful image